
November 19, 2004

Calling Kerry's Libel Bluff

According to the gossip-laden Page Six of the New York Post, Senator and former presidential candidate John Kerry is considering filing a libel lawsuit against the leader of the Swift Boat Veteran's for Truth, John O'Neill. 800,00 copies of O'Neill's book Unfit For Command and a series of television commercials produced by the Swift Boat Veterans and POWs for Truth attacked Kerry's war record and branded him a traitor.

The Post added:

Now, "the Kerry camp is thinking about filing a libel lawsuit against Regnery and O'Neill," a source close to the candidate's inner circle tells PAGE SIX. "I don't know if they will actually go forward, but consideration is serious. If Kerry plans on running again in 2008 - and I'm hearing he will - it would make sense that he'd file the suit."

I'll go ahead and promise Mr. O'Neill he won't have to loose one night's sleep over this empty threat for a very simple reason: Kerry's bluffing, and not bluffing very well at that.

If Kerry files suit against O'Neill, Regnery Publishing or Unfit's co-author Jerome Corsi, John Kerry's service records, so long and successfully hidden from public view, will become key pieces of evidence for the defense, and therefore, public knowledge.

While the liberal mainstream media has been almost as careful about avoiding Kerry's record as it has recklessly and occasionally fraudulently challenged Bush's, they know that Kerry has failed to file a release of his service record, and that as many as 94 pages are hidden. Why?

Good question.

We do know that any libel lawsuit by the Kerry campaign against Mr. O'Neill will bring the uncomfortable glare of the media spotlight on a man who has so far managed to avoid answering questions about his unusual discharge circumstances, his own repeated lies about the "Christmas in Cambodia" myth he created, his fraternization with an enemy he himself categorized as "terrorists" in Paris, and other mysteries that happened between his enlistment and eventual discharge.

In poker terms, John Kerry is "drawing dead."

It's time we called his bluff.

Posted by Confederate Yankee at November 19, 2004 01:07 AM