
September 28, 2005

VICTORY! International Freedom Center Defeated at Ground Zero

Via NY1:

In a story first reported by NY1, Governor George Pataki has cancelled plans to build the controversial International Freedom Center at the World Trade Center site - and representatives of the center say the location change has forced the entire project to be scrapped.

The center had drawn criticism from some 9/11 victims' family members because it would not focus exclusively on the terror attacks. Family members also said the IFC could potentially contain exhibits that were anti-American.

Pataki said Wednesday that he's given the center a chance to clarify its intentions, but there's just too much opposition.

In a statement, Pataki said: “The creation of an institution that would show the world our unity and our resolve to preserve freedom in the wake of the horrific attacks is a noble pursuit. But freedom should unify us. This center has not.”

From a victorious

Every since June 8, 2005 when Debra Bulingame's op-ed The Great Ground Zero Heist appeared in the Wall Street Journal, we have fought together for the preservation of dignity at Ground Zero. With your help, we have achieved a major victory toward that goal.

Take Back the Memorial will continue to monitor the plans for Ground Zero to ensure that a fitting and proper memorial is built; one that is respectful of the victims murdered that day, their families, the first responders, and the American people.

Thank you again for your support, prayers, and dedication. This simply could not have been achieved without you.

As a supporter's email says, “There aren't too many happy (or at least pleasing) events associated with 9/11, but sometimes there's justice.”

The Blame America First left have suffered a major defeat. Michelle Malkin has more.

And Hillary... I give credit where credit is due. Thanks.

Update: CNN is obviously saddened by the loss of their vision of the IFC: "Ground Zero 'freedom center' quashed." Poor babies.

Posted by Confederate Yankee at September 28, 2005 11:58 PM | TrackBack

Good. One down, one red Crescent of Embrace left to go.

Posted by: Cindi at September 29, 2005 03:13 AM

As a former W.T.C. employee, I say break out the champagne!(New York State, of course). Now how do we stop this planned insult in Pennsylvania?

Posted by: Tom T at September 29, 2005 07:28 AM

Great news, I was very heartened when I got that email from TBTM. New York Slimes cannot even mention what all the hu hu was even about. Typical.

PS: tried to trackback, but got a "forbidden."

Posted by: William Teach at September 29, 2005 08:42 AM

Is there a Take Back the Memorial campaign already running in Pennsylvania?

Posted by: FromGermanGulag at September 29, 2005 02:39 PM

That was certainly a one more win for the GIPPER!

This is a victory for truth and proof of the power we wield when we work together; each of us doing what he or she can.

I'm having a bit of fun with the celebration:

Posted by: Mike's America at September 30, 2005 01:08 AM