November 01, 2005
The Toddler Option
I woke up for this?
No foresight. No plans. No new ideas. This is all they've got?
Reid just galvanized any Republican moderate that wanted to work with Democrats against them, gutted the "Gang of 14," and assured that Samuel Alito will become the next Supreme Court Justice without facing even the possibility of a filibuster. Special interest groups on the far left like NARAL and just had their already slim chances of defeating Alito smashed.
In addtion, do Dems really want the public eye on the fact that a left-leaning political faction in the CIA was responsible for trying to subvert the elected government in the run up to the Iraq War? Frankly, I want this.
Reid misplayed badly by throwing this temper tantrum.
Other reactions:
Stop the ACLU
Ace of Spades
Ankle Biting Pundits
I'm going back to bed.
Via Fox News:
...Durbin said Democrats would stall Senate action for as long as it takes."It is within the power of the majority to close down the closed session. They can do it by majority vote to return to the legislative calendar," Durbin said. "We're serving notice on them at this moment: Be prepared for this motion every day until you face the reality. The Senate Intelligence Committee has a responsibility."
[bold mine]
Oh really, Dick?
You are already viewed more as obstructionists than legislators, so you know what?

I triple dog-dare ya!
"CF created a slight breach of etiquette by skipping the triple dare and going right for the throat!"
Teacher: Where's Harry? has anyone seen Harry?
CF: Harry? Harry who?