
January 14, 2006

Gore Executed, Bush Crowned

Former Vice President Al Gore was summarily executed by members of the Republican National Commitee just after midnight Saturday, two days before Gore was to give a speech denouncing the threat the President poses to the Constitution.

At the same time, Democratic member of Congress were rounded up by stormtroopers of the Secret Service and shipped off to concentration camps in the darkest corners of northwest Maryland.

The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, and Washington Post were closed by crack elements of the Texas Air National Guard loyal to Bush, and ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN were appointed censors reporting directly to Scott McClellan.


Al and his cronies are listening to the orb again.

I'll let you decide which.

Posted by Confederate Yankee at January 14, 2006 01:15 AM | TrackBack

CY, this picture is perfect, Algore is the looniest guy that was ever one heartbeat from the presidency in my lifetime!

Posted by: Tom tbo at January 14, 2006 09:27 AM

Tom tbo-

Yeah. Draftdoger Dick Cheney is a real mensch.

Posted by: ArthurStone at January 14, 2006 09:51 AM

Oh yeah, get my hopes up with the headline....

Posted by: stratguy1961 at January 14, 2006 10:08 AM


J. Danforth Quayle

Posted by: ArthurStone at January 14, 2006 10:12 AM

(sigh) It's po-TAH-toe, man. Good grief...


Posted by: Ric James at January 14, 2006 10:24 AM

We all know that the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy is not quite that brazen, yet! Though perhaps once it has finalized its merger with the Zionist World Entity, and Big Business it will roll over our civil rights, and convert us all into Evangelical Fanatics bent on killing gays, blacks, and Jews (yes, oddly enough). But by then our to president will be Dick Cheney because he is running the whole thing any way. And the only one things that can save us from this fate, are Iraqi Insurgents and Communists. Oh, Also McCarthy will rise from the grave and hunt down every Hollywood actor, screen writer, and director.

Posted by: Vlad at January 14, 2006 10:26 AM

Arthur, which is worse, a draft dodging VP or a draft dodging president?

Posted by: Old Soldier at January 14, 2006 10:31 AM
We all know that the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy is not quite that brazen, yet! Though perhaps once it has finalized its merger with the Zionist World Entity, and Big Business it will roll over our civil rights, and convert us all into Evangelical Fanatics bent on killing gays, blacks, and Jews (yes, oddly enough). But by then our to president will be Dick Cheney because he is running the whole thing any way. And the only one things that can save us from this fate, are Iraqi Insurgents and Communists. Oh, Also McCarthy will rise from the grave and hunt down every Hollywood actor, screen writer, and director.

Gee, Vlad, did you write all that without some help? You must be from the same school of 'thought' as Russell Tice - Psychotic Paranoia University. Do you check your closets and under the bed for the boogeyman frequently too?

Maybe you should just take your meds with some warm milk and take a nap to calm your fears.

Posted by: Retired Spy at January 14, 2006 11:05 AM

OK, Artie ... Let's look at a short list of Democrats who may have crawled under the rug when their country may have needed their service:

How about Harry Reid, Joe Biden, Richard Durbin, Paul Sarbanes, Charles Schumer, John Edwards, Patrick Leahy, Jay Rockefeller, Russ Feingold, and many others. None of them was in the military service either.

In what branch did you serve, Artie?

Posted by: Retired Spy at January 14, 2006 11:12 AM

Never served in the military cancelled spy.

On the other hand I've never been in any hurry to commit forces to dubious military expeditions nor to cast aspersions on fellow citizens patriotism like Mr. Cheyne who may disagree with me politically.

Big difference.

Posted by: ArthurStone at January 14, 2006 12:52 PM

You are pretty funny, Artie.

On the other hand I've never been in any hurry to commit forces to dubious military expeditions nor to cast aspersions on fellow citizens patriotism like Mr. Cheyne who may disagree with me politically.

You just referred to Dick Cheney as a draft dodger. That is not casting aspersions on a fellow citizen? Duh!

And I guess it is you who is the real Mensch? Not in my book.

You write some pretty ignorant things, don't you?

Posted by: Retired Spy at January 14, 2006 01:22 PM

The vp is a draft dodger.

He declined the opportunity five times to defend our nation while at war. Pointing that out is hardly an aspersion.

Note that I didn't cast doubt on his love of country as he does with his political opponents.

I firmly believe Dick loves his country. Where else such a mediocrity and shirker rise to such heights?

Posted by: ArthurStone at January 14, 2006 01:33 PM

Ummm....for those of you who keep pointing fingers at, and deriding people like Cheney and Quayle, I think you should be careful of what you say. Not only are we tracking you, but I'll give you two names that point out the great leadership of the Demoncratic Party:

Teddy "Splash" Kennedy

So much for brains....

Posted by: Specter at January 14, 2006 01:56 PM

I love humor.

Posted by: ron at January 14, 2006 02:21 PM

Wow, that orb is really glowing! I hope it ain't nukular, because that firebreathing Gaia freak is about to flame from his righteous mouth depths of his hate. Implosion forth coming.

Posted by: syn at January 14, 2006 02:38 PM



Love it!

Posted by: inmypajamas at January 14, 2006 05:12 PM

For Arthur's benefit...

How about Harry Reid, Joe Biden, Richard Durbin, Paul Sarbanes, Charles Schumer, John Edwards, Patrick Leahy, Jay Rockefeller, Russ Feingold, and many others. None of them was in the military service either

Retired Spy, you forgot one - William Jefferson Clinton.

Is that casting a dispersion? I certainly hope so!

Posted by: Old Soldier at January 14, 2006 08:31 PM

A modest proposal: Let us trade all our dissidents for Iran's and North Korea's? We hand over all those leftlibs here who suffer under the brutal dictatorship of Bush; in return we import all the "Democratic elements" in those liberated countries--who, I predict will start voting Republican...

Posted by: marquisdegallifet at January 15, 2006 03:15 AM

Dear Mr. Spy

Thank you for your therapeutic advice, having tried it, I am felling a lot better. I don't know who Mr. Tice is but I am indeed an alumni of PPU. I still have my aluminum foil mortarboard. I graduated with a Masters in Sarcasm, and Crazy Conspiracy Theory Fabrication.

Posted by: Vlad at January 15, 2006 06:51 PM

I am not laughing. A couple years back, I probably would have laughed, but not now. When the real and the absurd get too close to call, humor disappears. We have a president, a vice president, and an attorney general all goofed up on the idea of torture, open-ended imprisonment, warrantless surveillance, and much, much more. We have a citizenry (or a portion of the citizenry) that panics when some guys of "Middle Eastern or Southeast Asian descent" try to buy cell phones in a WalMart. The military and the CIA are getting a bit restive after being repeatedly used as scapegoats for the administration's misadventures (now that's an assassination scenario people should be concerned about). As I said, I am not laughing.

On its own, though, the picture is a hoot.

Posted by: Grace Nearing at January 15, 2006 07:21 PM

Yeee Haaaa! Looks like the KOS Kiddies,, Democrats dot com and The Democratic underground have all arrived for the party.

Hope you enjoy the continuing saga of making total fools of yourselvs. We find it rather entertaining. Sad but entertaining ....

Did Michael Mooreon give you permission to be out after dark?

Posted by: Retired Spy at January 15, 2006 08:21 PM

You repubs having a group wet dream? Anyone who even remotely thinks this shit might be a good idea is invited to explain how any of it comes within shouting distance of the American way of life.
Go ahead. . . .Try.

Gore Executed, Bush Crowned
Former Vice President Al Gore was summarily executed by members of the Republican National Commitee just after midnight Saturday, two days before Gore was to give a speech denouncing the threat the President poses to the Constitution.

At the same time, Democratic member of Congress were rounded up by stormtroopers of the Secret Service and shipped off to concentration camps in the darkest corners of northwest Maryland.

The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, and Washington Post were closed by crack elements of the Texas Air National Guard loyal to Bush, and ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN were appointed censors reporting directly to Scott McClellan.

Posted by: Timothy McGrath at January 15, 2006 10:44 PM

Uh, Timothy, I hate to break it to you, but you are apparently the only person to visit this thread who think this is anything other than blatant satire.

Sad, but true...

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at January 15, 2006 11:22 PM