
July 25, 2006

Prepare the Virgins

The U.S. military has churned through the Taliban over the past month, killing more than 600 terrorists during Operation Mountain Thrust.

Why isn't this on the front page at

Don't be silly. That "800-lb marlin spears fisherman" story is so much more a pressing world event...

Posted by Confederate Yankee at July 25, 2006 08:03 AM | TrackBack

Actually, CNN does cover this story, only that they cover the first part of it. That's the part where Taliban scare off the local police and take over a town. CNN gives that big headlines.

Then when the coalition and Afghan forces come in and terminate their existence with extreme prejudice, CNN isn't around to post that.

Curious. Very curious.

Posted by: lawhawk at July 25, 2006 09:16 AM