
August 12, 2006

A Ringer in Qana?

Ah, Qana... the staged massacre that won't go away.

Bernice S. Lipkin, editor of Think Israel wrote to let me know that I was one of several bloggers cited in her newest article, The Bloggers Take on The Qana Massacre. It's worth a read if you haven't been following the story, and probably a nice way to tie everything together if you have.

Due in part to this article and Kathy Gannon's shamefully lightweight defense of AP's reporting (thinly veiled as an article about Slam Daher, AKA "Green Helmet"), I decided to revisit the Qana photostream on Yahoo!, when I noticed something that hadn't quite caught my eye before.

This photo got my attention.


A female victim is being carried out of the naturally lit, open-air basement. Her legs are covered with a white sheet and her torso with a black one, but an armed encased in a black-full length sleeve all but points at the cameraman.

And on the third finger of her left hand, what do you see?


A simple band of gold. A wedding ring?

Aren't wedding bands are Christian tradition?

The 28 named dead were all reported to belong to the same Shiite Muslim family.

Update: Could be dead wrong on this; I dont know. I figured it was better to put it out there and let folks debate it.

Update: CY reader Bruce sends me this link, which seems to indicate that the use of wedding rings in Muslim culture is a flagrant violation of their cultural norms:

The following are some of the practices that are meticulously carried out during matrimonial affairs despite the fact that they are either expressly forbidden in Shariah, or have no bases in Islam:

The engaged couple meet at a public gathering where the boy holds the girl's hand and slips a ring onto her finger whilst the two look romantically at each other. This act is void of modesty and completely [sic] foreign to Islamic culture. It is furthermore, a flagrant violation of the Quranic Law of Purdah. It is an evil innovation of the godless west , and those indulging in it should take cognizance of the Prophet's stern warning that "those who imitate others will rise on the Day of Judgement as of them".

If this is correct, then the use of wedding rings in the strictly Shiite Hezbollah-dominated culture of south Lebanon very unlikely, begging the question, "where did this body, with an apparent wedding band, come from?"

Now more than ever, I strongly suspect this body, among others, may have been "planted" at Qana.

Posted by Confederate Yankee at August 12, 2006 01:01 PM | TrackBack

There's Christians in Lebanon. Smart bombs don't know the difference.

Posted by: Mike Meyer at August 12, 2006 03:15 PM

The bombs do not make a difference, but people should. A simple application of however limited brain capacity would help.

According to ALL sources reporting from Qana
the victims were sleeping in one basement and belonged to Shiite. It is also well known that the Shiites are responsible for brutal killings of Christians in Lebanon. How come a christian woman would sleep among members of the Shiit family ? A 'multi-cultural media show ?'

Posted by: Peter at August 12, 2006 03:25 PM

I really have no idea. Maybe she was seeking shelter from the bombing. Ever been in a bombing? A person will do anything to have a place to hide and probably won't mind who's company they keep to have it. From the picture, I can't tell if it's a man or a woman. (of course that's not unusual, ever been to Denver?) The ring being only a Christian thing is only the mearest speculation on the part of the poster. Unless you were there, you're ALL just guessing. You don't really have any idea what the truth of the matter is either way.

Posted by: Mike Meyer at August 12, 2006 05:52 PM

Well Mike, it may not be exclusively a christian thing, but the question is -- is it a muslim thing?

The answer apparently is its not prohibited, so it may be "it depending on local custom".

Posted by: Purple Avenger at August 12, 2006 06:59 PM

Most very devout Muslims reject the wearing of wedding rings as haram, forbidden. Not all Muslims may take this tradition as seriously as others, however. Still, the Shiites in Lebanon tend to be exceptionally religious so it does seem very unusual.

Posted by: mike at August 12, 2006 08:16 PM

It's not necessarily a wedding band. It may be just a ring period.

More to the point, I can't see any significance.

Posted by: Dean Esmay at August 12, 2006 10:24 PM

*********Head of missile*******



Posted by: Fab at August 12, 2006 11:00 PM

Your headline should read "Ah, Qana... the massacre that shouldn't go away.

We should find out who was responsible and hold them accountable. Even in war there are codes of conduct.

Posted by: ClearwaterConservative at August 13, 2006 06:29 AM

Hezbollah is digging up corpses to parade them as civilian casualties. This means that they are desecrating graves.

You don't think Islamics warriors in Lebanon would desecrate Muslim graves for their propaganda, do you?

Posted by: Steve at August 13, 2006 09:30 AM

Wedding rings (worn on the third finger) are not a christian monopoly. If you have seen pics of a muslim bride in the arab countries, they are dressed in white wedding gowns like in the west. Most have wedding rings - I know several muslims who wear wedding rings.

Steve, what a sick mind to think that 'Hezbollah is digging up corpses to parade them as civilian casualties' - there have been only a few mass graves in Lebanon in recent times. The incessant bombing of anything that moves prevents the people of Lebanon taking their dead to cemeteries for burial.

The attack on Qana civilians was one of the brutal acts in history. Would you have been equally joyfull if something like this happened in Georgia? in If you don't have the moral fiber to condemn the carnage, at least dont desecrate the sanctity of the dead.

Posted by: Joe at August 13, 2006 11:35 AM

The attack on Qana civilians was one of the brutal acts in history.

Oh please, you're making me laugh.

Qana is a pimple on the ass of a gnat compared to most things that go on in the world today. Even worse is the fact that it was half fake.

Posted by: Purple Avenger at August 13, 2006 01:25 PM

According to a photographer who has done work for the NY Times in the past, they are indeed digging up bodies for show and tell:

Posted by: mike at August 13, 2006 02:14 PM

Joe, it's time to take your head out of the bag, and face the world.

The pathologies of the region will not abate by denying them, nor blaming them on externalities like 'colonialism' or 'Zionism.'

Arabs and Muslims worldwide need to decide for themselves if they will accomodate themselves to the modern, global order. In many ways our task as Americans is simply to avoid as much collateral damage to our own populations as possible, while the Arab societies resolve this nasty internal dispute. In fact, all the violence and "lashing-out" from Islamic radicals appear more and more to resemble a big child's temper tantrum. And we just want to be out of the way of the flailing arms and unaimed stones.

Wild proxy attacks on externalities, like civilians in Tel Aviv, New York and Mumbai only distract the middle eastern populace from the fractous internal debate that the region so badly needs.

Posted by: Steve at August 13, 2006 03:14 PM

Now if my memory is correct there were christians in southern Lebonon. However, they were often treated poorly and some even were supportive of Hezbollah as well. Still this being said, I would not be surprised to see this as a set up photo as well. Perhaps a willing, live western accomplice is the "victim" on the streacher. Or perhaps they are using a dead christians body to ralley support from "those people". The only thing that is sure is that any picture coming from there is suspect and needs to be more or less disregarded from the ranks of truth.

Posted by: Carnivore at August 14, 2006 08:28 AM

I'm not sure about this one. Osama bin Laden wears a ring, and we all know he's about as fanatical as they come. The 9/11 deniers try to use pictures of him wearing a ring as proof that he is an American 'psy-ops' creation. I'd hate to think that we're going down a trail that was blazed by that that looney bunch. I'm not saying this isn't a good observation. It's just that we're going to need more proof.

Posted by: Granddaddy Long Legs at August 14, 2006 12:14 PM

I don't get the fuss about this?

Why would someone put a ring on a dead body? Do you think they flew the hand in from Europe? Many Muslims wear rings. And there are also lots of Christians who got killed by the airstrikes. I don't understand how this is evidence of fakery.

There are lots of dead people in Lebanon these days and the house looks pretty smashed. And airstikes tend to kill indiscriminately. They were bombed for about a month straight.

Are you trying to say that Israel never went to war and that this is all some kind of liberal media conspiracy? If you supported the war, big deal, you got what you wanted. Here's the proof. Pictures of dead people. It's like renting a porno and being scandalized by nudity.

Or is this like Queer Eye for the War Reporter, where you snark at the fashion blunders and poor housekeeping of the deceased? Seriously, this either really loopy tinfoil hat "we never landed on the moon" conspiracy talk... or just a satanic joke that you are playing on dead people.

Posted by: Grizzly at August 15, 2006 06:15 PM