August 17, 2006
A Blip
As you know by now, a liberal Detroit judge has ruled against the NSA's terrorist communications intercept program initiated by President Bush. If you fan out across the blogosphere, everyone has an opinion on the ruling.
I've just read through the Fourth Amendment part of Judge Taylor's opinion on the NSA domestic wiretapping opinion, and, well, um, it's kind of hard to know what to make of it. There really isn't any analysis; rather, it's just a few pages of general ruminations about the Fourth Amendment (much of it incomplete and some of it simply incorrect) followed by the statement in passing that the program is "obviously" in violation of the Fourth Amendment...It's hardly obvious that the program — or some aspect of it — violates the Fourth Amendment; that's the issue before the court, and my sense is that we really don't know enough to answer it without knowing the facts...
I can come up with explanations for why a district court judge inclined to rule against the program would put out an opinion that isn't quite ready for prime time. For example, Senator Specter's bill would take these issues away from the district court, so the choice might be to speak now or never. But at least based on the court's Fourth Amendment analysis, I suspect this opinion is important more for its political impact and its triggering of appellate review than for any analysis in the opinion itself.
Mark Levin hits many of the same points. The consensus among these legal scholars is that the judge made a very weak ruling, and seem to indicate that it will probably get tossed at a September 7 appellate court hearing.
My gut reaction? The ACLU venue-shopped to get a judge that fit their needs, and won a short-term political victory. In the long run, it won't affect the operations of the NSA program all that much, if at all.
I just can't get too excited or irate over a case that seems assured to die a quick death.
It seems there was two main player in this lawsuit. The anti-american ACLU and a totally terrorists organizaton called CAIR. Now I know the left wing demorats are more dangerous than all of the terrorist in the world. They are supporting both of these organization that are out to destroy America.
Posted by: Scrapiron at August 18, 2006 12:36 AMLinked at Old War Dogs >> NSA eavesdropping program "unconstitutional" -- More
Posted by: Bill Faith at August 18, 2006 12:37 AMLast February would have been a quick death. You're a tad late for that prognostication.
Posted by: Mike Meyer at August 18, 2006 08:03 PMLiberals and terrorists 's what I call 'eml. What kinds of crazies stand up for the induhidual rights of citizens in the face of encroaching government tyranny?
Posted by: doodoo at August 20, 2006 06:06 PM