
September 20, 2006

FEAR: Why The Press Won't Tell You What Ahmadinejad Said

A striking bit of journalistic malpractice seems to have affected the mainstream media web sites this morning, as news site after news site failed to provide their readers with the transcript of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad speech last night to the United Nations.

As of noon at ABC News, it is as if Ahmadinejad never spoke, as their was no reference to his address in front of the United Nations on their Web site's front page, and is notably absent from the headlines of their political section as well. I had to search Google News to find this report on their site, which did not link to the transcript, nor provide Ahmadinejad's closing remarks.

Likewise, Ahmadinejad's speech was not easily found on the CBS News site, and when an article was found buried below the fold of their International news section, their story, as well, did not provide a transcript nor a summation of his closing remarks.

The New York Times had Bush's transcript from hours before, but couldn't be troubled to run that of the Iranian President. CNN did likewise.

The Boston Globe, Fox News, MSNBC, and most other news organizations also failed to either discuss the apocalyptic overtones of the Iranian President's remarks, or provide a transcript from easily available wire reports. To their credit, the Washington Post at least provided the transcript far down on their World News page, though they provided precious little commentary otherwise.

What is the reason the world media was apparently so eager to bury the content what was a highly anticipated speech by Iran's flamboyant President?

It was likely his dark conclusion:

Whether we like it or not, justice, peace and virtue will sooner or later prevail in the world, with the will of the almighty God. It is imperative and also desirable that we, too, contribute to the promotion of justice and virtue.

The almighty and merciful God, who is the creator of the universe, is also its lord and ruler. Justice is his command. He commands his creatures to support one another in good, virtue, and piety, and not in decadence and corruption.

He commands his creatures to enjoin one another to righteousness and virtue, and not to sin and transgression. All divine prophets, from the prophet Adam, peace be upon him, to the prophet Moses, to the prophet Jesus Christ, to the prophet Mohammad, have all called humanity to monotheism, justice, brotherhood, love and compassion.

Is it not possible to build a better world based on monotheism, justice, love and respect for the rights of human beings and thereby transform animosities into friendship?

I emphatically declare that today's world, more than ever before, longs for just and righteous people, with love for all humanity, and, above all, longs for the perfect righteous human being and the real savior who has been promised to all peoples and who will establish justice, peace and brotherhood on the planet.

Oh, almighty God, all men and women are your creatures and you have ordained their guidance and salvation. Bestow upon humanity that thirst for justice, the perfect human being promised to all by you, and makers among his followers and among those who strive for his return and his cause.

This same Iranian President spoke in front of the United Nations previously on September 17, 2005, a fact also missing from many news accounts of the last week. Those that did mention Ahmadinejad's September speech uniformly left off the fact that Ahmadinejad claimed that his September speech in Front of the same United Nations chamber was touched by the Divine:

Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinejad says that when he delivered his speech at the UN General Assembly in September, he felt there was a light around him and that the attention of the world leaders in the audience was unblinkingly focused upon him. The claim has caused a stir in Iran, as a transcript and video recording of Ahmadinejad's comments have been published on an Iranian website, There are also reports that a CD showing Ahmadinejad making the comments also has been widely distributed in Iran. Is the Iranian president claiming to be divinely inspired?

Prague, 29 November 2005 (RFE/RL) -- According the report by, President Ahmadinejad made the comments in a meeting with one of Iran's leading clerics, Ayatollah Javadi Amoli.

Ahmadinejad said that someone present at the UN told him that a light surrounded him while he was delivering his speech to the General Assembly. The Iranian president added that he also sensed it.

"He said when you began with the words 'in the name of God,' I saw that you became surrounded by a light until the end [of the speech]," Ahmadinejad appears to say in the video. "I felt it myself, too. I felt that all of a sudden the atmosphere changed there, and for 27-28 minutes all the leaders did not blink."

Ahmadinejad adds that he is not exaggerating.

"I am not exaggerating when I say they did not blink; it's not an exaggeration, because I was looking," he says. "They were astonished as if a hand held them there and made them sit. It had opened their eyes and ears for the message of the Islamic Republic."

During this same speech, Ahmadinejad called for the near-term reappearance of the 12th Imam, who he feels will redeem the world through an apocalypse he feels his sect has the right and responsibility to create. As I noted in August, the mullahcracy that runs Iran belongs to the apocalyptic Hojjatieh sect, a branch of Shia Islam so radical it was banned in 1983 by Ayatollah Khomeini. Their views are, to put it mildly, are startling:

...rooted in the Shiite ideology of martyrdom and violence, the Hojjatieh sect adds messianic and apocalyptic elements to an already volatile theology. They believe that chaos and bloodshed must precede the return of the 12th Imam, called the Mahdi. But unlike the biblical apocalypse, where the return of Jesus is preceded by waves of divinely decreed natural disasters, the summoning of the Mahdi through chaos and violence is wholly in the realm of human action. The Hojjatieh faith puts inordinate stress on the human ability to direct divinely appointed events. By creating the apocalyptic chaos, the Hojjatiehs believe it is entirely in the power of believers to affect the Mahdi's reappearance, the institution of Islamic government worldwide, and the destruction of all competing faiths.

Ahmadinejad's speech last night echoed his beliefs last night. When he stated, "Whether we like it or not, justice, peace and virtue will sooner or later prevail in the world," sooner is now and later is a point that eerily seems to coincide with when many intelligence experts feel Iran may have the capability to build a functional nuclear weapon, and bring about the man-made Armageddon that the Hojjatieh sect feels is their obligation to Allah.

This leads us back full-circle to ask once more why major U.S. and world media outlets have largely refused to issue transcripts of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's speech last night to the United Nations, and why they chose to embargo his dramatic closing provided above.

I submit that if the media covered Ahmadinejad's full remarks including the religious references that they clearly and cleverly omitted, then they would have to confront the scope of the clear and present danger that the Iranian regime presents to the rest of the world. Admitting this danger goes against the carefully crafted narrative that they have led themselves to believe, a narrative that they have passed along to their readers and viewers that the United States and Israel are the root causes of problems in the Middle East.

To admit the dangers of the intertwining of Iranian nuclear weapons development with a radical and apocalyptic eschatology is to admit that President George W. Bush is correct in his determination to prevent Iran from developing the ability to effect a religious nuclear war. It is to admit that there are far greater dangers to our freedoms than terrorist surveillance programs and chilled members of al Qaeda.

To admit that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad means precisely what he says, and has said time and again, is to admit to larger dangers that neither the press nor the Democratic party they overwhelming support can admit. To admit to the truth—to show what Iran and its leader represent as a threat to the world—is to shatter a carefully crafted illusion they have formulated that most of the problems of the world originate at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

When faced with revealing a truth that would create cognitive dissonance, the media has made the subconscious decision to simply excise, and then ignore, the facts that undercut their "larger truth." They'd rather risk lives than admit the possibility that President Bush's concerns about a nuclear-armed Iran are precisely on target.

They aren't scared about the possibility of millions of people dying. That are far more fearful that the President is right, and that the world they've created for themselves is all too wrong.

Posted by Confederate Yankee at September 20, 2006 01:59 PM | TrackBack

Excellent point. I don't think that every news organ needs to publish full transcripts of Ahmadinejad's speech, but it is definitely newsworthy, and it is equally newsworthy that hardly anyone in the MSM is talking about it. Of course journalists like our old friend Greg Mitchell have made it their duty to propel an agenda that Bush's role as commander-in-chief must be marginalized at all costs. Refernce this piece he wrote for E&P titled, Will Press Put Out Fire On Iran?

Posted by: Granddaddy Long Legs at September 20, 2006 03:15 PM

Wow, thanks for providing that.
Very clever that tan coated man...
But the vitriol was thinly veiled.
That conclusion was not the only thing I read that disturbed me.
He is obviously upping the rhetoric.
Your conclusion is spot on...
"Know your enemy like you know yourself" --Tsun Tzu.

Posted by: darrell gregg at September 20, 2006 04:21 PM

I completely agree that Iran is great threat - a much greater one then Iraq ever was. But to say that the reason people are hesitant to blindly follow the Bush administration is because the media wants to see him fail is only a half truth at best. The fact is that this administration, while they may be trying to do the right thing, have shown gross incompetence on numerous occasions. They have used up all their 'just trust me' cards in the deck. They have proven inept and I personally don't trust their abilities to lead us in another war - regardless of how necessary that war may be.

Posted by: Chris at September 21, 2006 08:35 AM

blah blah blah blah media trying to destroy america blah blah blah blah blah dems are evil spawns of satan blah blah blah blah blah we're so smart you're so dumb blah blah blah blah blah one day I'll reciting ideological propaganda and have an original thought blah blah blah blah blah

Posted by: ifonlymccainhadwon at September 21, 2006 08:40 AM

As I type this, a story about Ahmadinejad's meeting with members of the Council on Foreign Relations is highlighted on the New York Times home page; the story is above the fold on page 1 of today's print edition. No, it doesn't mention anything about his belief that he and God are best buds -- but it does prominently discuss Ahmadinejad's Holocaust denial, which, arguably, is a tad more significant.

(If the U.S. press were to fixate on Ahmadinejad's God-talk, it might have to spend more time discussing the God-talk of a certain other world leader, no?)

Posted by: Steve M. at September 21, 2006 09:03 AM

Steve M.-
I'd recommend you do a little research regarding that supposed "God-talk" comment of Bush's: Nabil Shaath. As the Church Lady might say, "Could it be...propaganda?"

Posted by: Bec at September 21, 2006 09:38 AM

Three important words Ahmadinejad did NOT use in his utopian vision:


"Justice" is arbitrary... who gets to decide what's "just"? The caliphate.

Posted by: blue like jazz at September 21, 2006 10:06 AM

I've spent several productive hours in the last 3 months, watching and re-watching the 7 documentary films on WWII, "Why We Fight", and Oh My God! the parallels are astounding, and NOT LIMITED TO:

Hitler/Ahmadinejad SAY OPENLY what their goals are!

Hitler/Ahmadinejad SAY REPEATEDLY what they want!

The West ignores them.

The West sells out various victim nations, until there is no way to do it any more! (Sudetenland-Czech/Sudan, Bosnia today)

The West is disunified: (Divide And Conquer)

Hitler/Ahmadinejad SEND FIFTH-COLUMNIST SUBVERSIVES out to 'soften up' the West.

Hitler/Ahmadinejad SAY "We, and WE ALONE, are the Chosen Ones, Uber Menschen, with the RIGHT and OBLIGATION to RULE OVER ALL MANKIND... because they're unter-menschen/kffir)

Hitler/Ahmadinejad SAY "We have a RIGHT to develop these weapons, and YOU CAN'T STOP US, neener-neener!"

Hitler/Ahmadinejad SAY, OPENLY, "I will sign anything, any paper, to forward my plans!"

Hitler/Ahmadinejad SAY, with no trace of irony, "THAT (treaty) is DEAD!" (usually shortly after invading the next victim)

There's more. Download them from and WATCH THEM.

(Oh, and Good Work, ConfYan!)

Posted by: Karridine at September 21, 2006 10:17 AM

Bec, perhsps some of these links would have been more apropos.

Posted by: Steve M. at September 21, 2006 10:31 AM

blue like jazz: other words DinnerJacket did NOT speak were "Baha'is, oppressing, Iran will stop..."

DinnerJacket did NOT point out that Baha'u'llah, the Lord of Hosts, established the Universal House of Justice on the top of Mount Carmel, in the Holy Land of Israel, AFTER being imprisoned in Teheran, exiled to Baghdad under house arrest, exiled to Constantinople, exiled to Adrianople, and again imprisoned in Akka, near Haifa... BY MUSLIMS, ignorant of the Glory of God and arrogant before God's justice!

Posted by: Karridine at September 21, 2006 10:51 AM

Steve M. -
Thanks for the links. I read the first three and they seemed to make my case - especially when compared to the one I gave you. Are you worried because Bush is "religious"? If so, then you'd best include Carter and Clinton in your worry. I happen to be agnostic myself, but I've grown to suspect this anti-Bush religious stuff is blown way out of proportion.

Posted by: Bec at September 21, 2006 12:00 PM

I happen to be agnostic myself, but I've grown to suspect this anti-Bush religious stuff is blown way out of proportion.

Bully for you. When they come for the agnostics and atheists -- not in this decade, but soon, probably when the homeschooled-for-Christ-and-the-GOP generation grows up -- I'm sure they'll take you last.

Posted by: Steve M. at September 21, 2006 03:18 PM

Steve M.
Last? Gosh, we agnostics never get any respect.

Posted by: Bec at September 21, 2006 04:48 PM

That is quite some admiration for home schooling, Steve. Only ~2 million children are homeschooled in the USA, counting K-12. If those few kids are able to take over the country over the opposition of the millions of kids schooled in public schools, what does that say about your opinion of our public education system.

Don't worry, Steve. I am sure they will come for the retarded even after the agnostics.

Posted by: iconoclast at September 21, 2006 07:40 PM

Millions dying have never bothered the left in the past.

A couple thousand throws them in a tizzy though.

Posted by: Purple Avenger at September 21, 2006 11:30 PM

Well said CY.

Posted by: Tanstaafl at September 24, 2006 10:49 PM