
April 05, 2007

Montel Williams: At it Again

As a rule, I couldn't care less about daytime television, but the agenda-driven jihad of talk show host Montel Williams continues, once more attempting to use military veterans and their families as political props.

On March 12, I commented on Montel's ambush of military families, that saw some family members leave in tears before the taping was over, and at least one escorted out by security.

This morning, a reader tipped me to this article, discussing the experiences of Keli Frasier, a 24-year-old who served 11 months in Iraq and came home with symptoms later diagnosed as post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

This is the part of the article that caught my emailer's eye:

For Frasier, the sharpest memories are of moments that never made the air from the show taped in New York.

When she told Williams she was treated well by the Department of Veterans Affairs, he seemed to lose interest and moved quickly to another segment, she said.

During a commercial break, though, he gestured to her and commented, “This soldier’s not going to complain,” Frasier said.

She was whisked away to the airport and never spoke again to Williams, she said.

This is at least the second time Williams has attempted to use military veterans and their families as political pawns, a move especially despicable, considering that Williams himself is a veteran and knows—or should know—what these servicemen and their families are experiencing.

As now demonstrated twice in less than a month, Williams has chosen to obscure any anecdotal evidence that conflicts with his political views, by simply editing them out of the show.

Posted by Confederate Yankee at April 5, 2007 07:57 AM

There has to be more to this than just ratings. Is Williams a Muslim?

Posted by: davod at April 5, 2007 09:22 AM

No, davod, scum like Montel have been around for a very long time.

Posted by: pst314 at April 5, 2007 12:09 PM

pst314 is right! "Scum like Montel have been around for a very long time"...look how old Carter and Jack Murtha are. Montel was a Navy Officer. He musta served on a swift-boat with John Kerry.

Posted by: JihadGene at April 5, 2007 12:42 PM

Montel was a Navy officer (Crypie I believe) at my Command up near Baltimore. He started a program for families in Baltimore and made his bones that way. He got a lot of press and left the Navy and parlayed this press into where he is now. I met someone who knew him when he was at the Command who told me the story. He strikes me as a guy who forgot his roots.

Posted by: Navyone at April 7, 2007 05:10 PM