
June 05, 2007

Hillary tries to convince us she isn't the devil...

...but we all know she'd burst into flames the minute a priest sprinkled her with holy water.

Faith saved her marriage says Mrs. Clinton.

In a rare public discussion of her husband's infidelity, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton said Monday that she probably could not have gotten through her marital troubles without relying on her faith in God.

Clinton stood by her actions in the aftermath of former President admission that he had an affair, including presumably her decision to stay in the marriage.

"I am very grateful that I had a grounding in faith that gave me the courage and the strength to do what I thought was right, regardless of what the world thought," Clinton said during a forum where the three leading Democratic presidential talked about faith and values.

"I'm not sure I would have gotten through it without my faith," she said in response to a question about how she dealt with the infidelity.

Knowing that she'll get to roast Billy Jeff over an open fire for all eternity probably helps to calm her nerves.

For some reason this story reminds me of a scene in The Devil's Advocate where Al Pacino sticks his finger in a bowl of Holy Water and it starts boiling. Not sure why though. At least I think that's the movie.

Posted by phin at June 5, 2007 08:56 AM

I saw the Wizard of Oz over the week-end and thought of Hillary: "I'm melting!"

Posted by: Retread at June 5, 2007 10:15 AM

Oh she is a person of faith alright... faith in Socialism.

Posted by: mockinbird at June 5, 2007 10:31 AM

Faith is her lesbo girfriends name.

Posted by: 1sttofight at June 5, 2007 11:34 AM

Because as everyone should know, only conservatives have authentic faith in Christ, indeed they should be quick to question others faith and belittle it.

Sort of the same attitude certain followers of Islam have.

Posted by: Angryflower at June 5, 2007 05:56 PM

I like how the reporter added "God" when Hillary never actually used the word, yet Bush was and is constantly hammered when he actually says, by name, where he places his faith.

Hillary has faith she can bullshit America into electing her President, and if Bubba does a little side work with an intern she doesn't mind as long as he makes sure the campaign dough keeps flowing.

Posted by: TC@LeatherPenguin at June 5, 2007 06:09 PM

Angryflower, it's the hammering of conservatives for being Christians by liberals that led to this post.

How many times have liberals tried to label President Bush or others a irrational for looking to God and their faith for help when making decisions?

And, um, I don't recall saying we should kill liberals. Honest, I love having you guys around, otherwise I'd only be able to poke fun of the kids in special ed classes.

Posted by: phin at June 5, 2007 07:03 PM