
February 09, 2009

As King Pyrrhus Crows

The Multi-Generational Financial Rape Act of 2009, AKA the "stimulus, bill," has passed in the U.S. Senate.

Congratulations, President Obama, Speaker Pelosi, and Majority Leader Reid. You deserve all the credit for this bill passing, and I mean that will all sincerity. You own this bill, lock, stock and barrel. All the blame that will thunder down upon you in years to come. All the anger, distrust, and blind hatred that will result from your short-sightness and political greed. You've earned it all.

To their credit, not a single Republican voted for the House version of this toxic pork-laden spending bill, the stench of which was so bad than even 11 conscientious House Democrats could not vote for it

In the Senate, the opportunistic partisanship was equally strong, without a single Democratic Senator having the moral courage to vote against a bill destined to cause long-term economic harm.

As for Hollow Man... well, the bloom came off his proverbial rose far faster than any of us could have anticipated. In just two remarkably bitter weeks, "hope" and "change" was completely abandoned for the cheap theatrical politics of terrorizing the public with threats of impending doom.

President Obama cried of a financial catastrophe if he did not get the special interest pork he desired, irresponsibly undermining consumer confidence as he railed about a second Great Depression that would occur if he did not get his way.

Enjoy your temporary victory while you can Mr. President, for once the true cost is known you will be loved no more.

Posted by Confederate Yankee at February 9, 2009 08:41 PM

I'm depressed. Globally, nationally, and locally I keep hearing how the world will end soon if we don't expend billions of dollars and impose dozens of restrictions on our citizens to stop CO2 emissions by humans. Right on top of this comes Obama telling me that I should fear far reaching, deep economic troubles if I don't sign on to the stimulus bill. Before that, it was the elderly, uninsured, homeless, poor, and some others I've forgotten that would literally die if I didn't vote for Obama and every Democrat on the ticket.

After listening to Mr. Hope and Change for the last two weeks, it's amazing I have any optimism left - but I should - neither Obama or the Democrats are using any of it.

Posted by: SouthernRoots at February 9, 2009 08:54 PM

They'll be crushed when they find out this world "is not about them" and they are but a forgotten atom, non-existing.

In the meantime they can be impeached, kicked out (placed into Gitmo) for being traitors, enforcing taxation without representation, etc. etc. Shed the newly signed orders and prepare for world attacks from the real Communist who "cut" first without the talking you into numb-ville.

Posted by: dlc at February 10, 2009 12:03 AM

Meanwhile, European economic "experts" for the media are proclaiming to anyone with a microphone that "only" 800+ billion dollars will not be enough and that far far more will be needed before the US have paid the price for the damage done "by Bush and greedy American bankers".

Posted by: J.T. Wenting at February 10, 2009 01:30 PM

This is yet another fine mess we've gotten in to because the communists were able to silence McCarthy.

Posted by: cmblake6 at February 12, 2009 08:22 PM