
September 17, 2009

House Faces H.R.3571, the "Defund ACORN Act"

Text of a press release from N.C. Republican Rep. Walter B. Jones:

WASHINGTON, D.C. – This week U.S. Representative Walter B. Jones (R-NC) became an original cosponsor of H.R. 3571, the Defund ACORN Act. This legislation, introduced by House Republican Leader Rep. John Boehner (R-OH), would sever all ties between the federal government and the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN).

"Recent news reports have described potentially criminal activity involving ACORN associates and, last year, ACORN was linked to multiple instances of voter registration fraud and other illicit activity," Congressman Jones said. "It's clear that ACORN is not capable of using federal funds in a lawful way."

It is estimated that ACORN has received more than $53 million in direct funding from the federal government since 1994, and has likely received substantially more indirectly through states and localities that receive federal block grants.

"The U.S. Census Bureau has already ended its partnership with ACORN, and I hope all other federal agencies follow suit – whether their ties to ACORN consist of partnerships or the awarding of federal funds," Jones continued. "Since other federal agencies may not voluntarily take similar action, Congress needs to stop this waste of taxpayer dollars by swiftly passing the Defund ACORN Act to immediately terminate all federal funding of ACORN and its affiliates."

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi finds herself in a tight spot. There is no justifiable defense of ACORN at this moment, considering that employees have been caught supporting tax fraud and the trafficking of minors for prostitution at five offices (thus far) without batting an eye.

But ACORN has long been an asset to the Democratic Party in general and this President in particular, who has literally volunteered his time to help make the organization what it is today. The DNC is also heavily invested in ACORN's symbiotic relationship with the Service Employees International Union, a group developed in parallel with ACORN and which has been responsible for acts of intimidation and violence during heath-care town hall meetings over the course of the August recess.

The House Democratic leadership and President Obama do not want to sever ties with ACORN.

The real question now seems to be whether they risk the political capital to obfuscate on ACORN's behalf so close to the 2010 elections with such popular disgust running against the group and their close alliance with the Democratic Party.

Update: The House voted to defund ACORN as part of a motion on a student loan bill. The bill passed 345-75.

Michelle Malkin has the votes.

Posted by Confederate Yankee at September 17, 2009 10:34 AM

I think we ought to follow the trail of bread crumbs to where its likely to lead. The impeachment of Obama and many Democrats in Congress.

Posted by: Scott at September 17, 2009 10:42 AM

Why am I, a registered non partisan who has voted Rep for years, being FORCED to support an organization which is obviously in bed with the Dem/Lib party and against most everything I have voted for? I am literally hurting my own Rep vote because of this FORCED support and alliance with this fraudulent group! This is insanity and tyranny and should be stopped!

Posted by: NoCAGal at September 17, 2009 04:24 PM

Lock and load boys, lock and load, fix bayonets... this mess is gonna get ugly... the Capt.

Posted by: capt26thga at September 17, 2009 07:40 PM

Now for the real question:

Who were the 75 scumbags who voted against this bill?

Posted by: Anthony at September 17, 2009 10:27 PM

This vote was mostly for cover. The house and senate voted to defund on different bills. The congressman can claim to vote against ACORN, knowing all the while it will be scrubbed when they reconcile senate/house versions by the Democratic leadership. It is a starting point but we need to keep up the pressure so they don't pull the switch.

Posted by: RicardoVerde at September 17, 2009 11:06 PM