
December 07, 2009

Let's Put That Treason Charge Where it Belongs

Late last month Andrew Breitbart earned the ire of a couple of excitable left-wingers when he tweeted:

Capital punishment for Dr James Hansen. Climategate is high treason.

If you've been hiding in a cave for much of the past few years, Hansen is the chief climate change evangelical leader at NASA, and a serial contributor to the belief system of the climate change cult.

Now, those who got infuriated with Breitbart did so because they did what lefty bloggers typically do: they exaggerated Breitbart's tweet and focused on the capital punishment part of it and utterly ignored that charges of high treason lead to a trial, and it is the result of the trial that can lead to capital punishment.

Was Breitbart guilty of a little hyperbole? Perhaps, but certainly less than it took for those lefty bloggers to start screaming that Breitbart tweet was attempting to incite Hasen's murder by vigilantes.

The thing is, Breitbart may be on to something. If we have learned anything in recent weeks, we have learned that the "science" underlying claims of climate change was highly politicized and almost certainly corrupted by scientists that willfully doctored data to provide an end result they had already predetermined.

In the immediate-term, this constitutes massive fraud. Multiple communications from multiple climate change scientists also strongly support the case for criminal racketeering, and RICO investigations in the United States and equivalent investigations in other countries. The investigations will not only presumably indict the researchers, but journalists, activists, and politicians that conspired with them when they either knew the data was purposefully corrupted, or when they should have expected it was fraudulent.

The international climate change conference in Copenhagen that started today should also be considered as the basis for treason charges for any signatory of any treaty that comes out of the meeting in the face of overwhelming evidence that the basic science of climate change is completely compromised and represents a threat to national security no less dire than espionage, no less dangerous than a terrorist attack.

Andrew Breitbart had the right idea when he tossed out the idea of trying those responsible for their roles in climate change fraud, but Hansen and other scientists are powerless to actually cause any real damage, and should instead face only prison sentences if they are indeed guilty as it appears. Not, the weighty charge of treason will fall entirely upon the shoulders of the politicians attending Copenhagen with a dream of establishing more control and restraints over the lives of their people.

Politicians that embrace Copenhagen's rush to judgement amid the recent and ongoing revelations will deserve charges of treason if they willfully ignore the unmasking of scientific fraud to commit a political swindle. If they are willing to betray their nations, they deserve to be placed on trial and potentially forfeit their lives.

Nothing More.

Nothing Less.

Posted by Confederate Yankee at December 7, 2009 01:06 PM

Blatantly signing treaty instruments that will eviscerate our national economy isn't the only risible act -

The EPA celebrating Pearl Harbor Day rates right up there.

Effectively, taxation without representation.

Didn't that cause some issues before?

Posted by: Wind Rider at December 7, 2009 02:05 PM

rope. tree. global warming politician.

some assembly required.

Posted by: redc1c4 at December 7, 2009 03:17 PM

Let me put in perspective some of the thinking process of our government. A few years ago I was accused of fraud by the Feds. Now what was my crime? I billed Medicare yet could not produce a handfull of medial notes on a routine audit. At no time did any one try to establish an intent to fraud, which is required by law. At no time did any one even establish that I received payment for the charges. Only that the notes were not there.

Now here we have people in England, Australia, and the US who are actively engaged in falsifying documents and receiving millions in compensation. The end result of their efforts being to undermine the economies of several countries (after all the proposed actions that they desire would do nothing to changing the climate). What is war? War is an aggressive effort to manipulate the economy of another country.

Thus, these "scientist" are guilty of either massive fraud or treason/making war. If my little efforts are fraud then these people are much worse. At the bear minimum, these people are guilty of stupidity and branded their movement in much the same way.

By the way, my case was resolved with a fine. But I was not allowed to go to court and could have been in jail without court appearence. This is what is called medicare fraud by our government and is what they want to use to pay for their health bill.

Posted by: David at December 7, 2009 03:38 PM

It's nice to see lefty bloggers take time out from calling for Bush and Cheney to be tried as war criminals long enough to demand moderation and civility from the right.

Posted by: Steve at December 7, 2009 03:39 PM

Why no mention that Hansen, this year, called for trials and possible execution for all those who disagreed with him that humans are the major/only factor affecting global temperature changes of any type?

Posted by: John A at December 7, 2009 05:41 PM

Oops, the "treason" thing was an expansion of Hansen statement by Krugman. My bad.

Posted by: John A at December 7, 2009 05:48 PM

guilty as charged!

Posted by: judge roy bean at December 7, 2009 07:26 PM

"Hansen and other scientists are powerless to actually cause any real damage"

But they are working to cause the damage. They want the damage to occur. They may not aspire to ruling the world, but they do see themselves as mandarins in a world where the rest of us are reduced to serfs. They will have nice homes, cars, overseas vacations, and premium medical care, while we will live in whatever degree of poverty the mandarins decree is "necessary". And since dissent will be a crime against nature, we will be kept ignorant through violence and the threat of violence.

Posted by: pst314 at December 7, 2009 09:21 PM

So we are supposed to make Breitbart a gangster!

Hey folks, NASA's own James Hansen has called for war crimes trials for oil company executives who fund global-warming skeptics. Of course the hypocrite Hansen fails to inform us of his lucrative funding from George "speculator scumbag" Soros!

If Hansen were a high-ranking military officer making such statements, he would have been cashiered years ago. But we all know that the he is just some puke from NASA/Goddard/GISS, and that he cannot be held accountable. WHY????

Posted by: mescalero at December 7, 2009 11:56 PM