December 20, 2009
All I Want Is A Byrd Dropping For Christmas

Senator Robert Byrd (D-WV) has seen far better days, and is often little more than a warm body when he is helped into the Senate. Granted, lucidity and coherence is not a priority among Senate Democrats, but Byrd is an embarrassment even for a party that regular drafts the imaginary or dead to vote.
Robert Byrd has been around a very long time, and his many decades of service have made West Virginia a wonderful state in which to manufacture methamphetamine or frame the locals for murder*. But it's time for Senator to do the right thing, and expire.
It isn't too much to ask for Byrd to step off for that great klavern in the sky before the Senate vote that may force this nation to accept government-rationed health care. Even a nice coma would do.
Without his frail, Gollum-like body being wheeled into the Senate's chambers to cast the deciding vote, the Senate cannot curse our children and grandchildren with crushing debt and rationed, substandard healthcare.
I suppose some will be shocked and appalled that I'd wish for the former kleagle to die on command. I'd remind them that the party wheeling in a near invalid to vote in favor of this unread monstrosity of a bill is the one that should feel shame.
12-21 Update: Dana Milbank of the Washington Post notes I'm not the only person to think this way with the lede of his most recent op-ed:
Going into Monday morning's crucial Senate vote on health-care legislation, Republican chances for defeating the bill had come down to a last, macabre hope. They needed one Democratic senator to die -- or at least become incapacitated.At 4 p.m. Sunday afternoon -- nine hours before the 1 a.m. vote that would effectively clinch the legislation's passage -- Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) went to the Senate floor to propose a prayer. "What the American people ought to pray is that somebody can't make the vote tonight," he said. "That's what they ought to pray."
It was difficult to escape the conclusion that Coburn was referring to the 92-year-old, wheelchair-bound Sen. Robert Byrd (D-W.V.) who has been in and out of hospitals and lay at home ailing. It would not be easy for Byrd to get out of bed in the wee hours with deep snow on the ground and ice on the roads -- but without his vote, Democrats wouldn't have the 60 they needed.
Final Update: Some amusing revelations about our liberal visitors.
* As noted by a commenter, the death of the census worker that left-wing bloggers blamed on right-wing extremists (but that was actually a suicide banking on the predictable left-wing hysteria for an insurance payoff) occurred in Kentucky, not West Virginia. My apologies.
If the bill passes, Byrd should be forced to live by it. I'll take "Death Panels" for $500, Alex.
Posted by: arb at December 20, 2009 10:07 PMNATIONAL STRIKE JAN 20, 2010 to coincide w/ STATE OF UNION SPEECH NATIONWIDE STRIKE over Obamacare...
Call into work sick. Buy nothing. Find a union hall, congress creature office, State or Federal building and form picket lines. Come ready to party...
NO JUSTICE, NO PEACE! Put that right back in their face!
If the left wants grassroots movements, then by God let us give it to them!...
Posted by: Toaster 802 at December 20, 2009 10:55 PMOh my side hurts so bad from cracking up at your post. Every sentence a classroom of comedy. Good work.
Posted by: Eric at December 20, 2009 11:14 PM...and little lost if he does.
Posted by: kahr40 at December 20, 2009 11:23 PMDon't feel bad, I wished the same on Strom Thurmond and that drooling mental turnip Ronald Reagan for many. Only the good die young...
Posted by: majorarse at December 20, 2009 11:31 PMHe'd be doing his country a greater service than he's ever done.
Plus, imagine the nutroots going ape-s**t if he were to keel over. 'Twould be a joy to behold.
Posted by: Russ at December 20, 2009 11:31 PMThose of us who support Universal Health care for all Americans are praying, too. We're praying that Senator Byrd will hang in there for just a few more days.
I'm not totally pleased with this bill, either. However, it's a start. Hopefully, within a few more years we'll have a completely government funded health care insurance program that will ensure that ALL Americans have affordable, cradle to grave health care, with a government funded insurance program that pays private providers, (For the most part)to deliver health care in America. Of course, payments to these providers, especially specialists and over priced hospitals will controlled, taking into account the greed factor. Oh, Doctors will still make a good living, as they should. However, the demise of the health insurance companies, hopefully, is in the foreseeable future.
Sure, it'll take a while. But we'll get there. It's inevitable. The only question is will it happen before the current system crashes or will it happen as a result of the meltdown of the current system that will occur as the current parasitic system destroys itself.
One step at a time............I have a dream!!
Posted by: Dude at December 20, 2009 11:32 PMIs it too much to ask that Senator Kleagle take some of his most ardent fans with him? ;)
Posted by: Dr. Horrible at December 20, 2009 11:56 PMExcuse me Bob Owens sir, is this a joke? It doesn't appear to be, and it certainly crosses a line. Unworthy thoughts, kept private, should be dealt with in private. They should not be published. While I can certainly sympathize with the frustration and anger, I am obligated to condemn the public expression of such a wish. It is wrong.
You will not exact vengeance on,
or bear any sort of grudge against,
the members of your race,
but will love your neighbor as yourself.
Leviticus 19:18
Please consider how Bush 43 treated his elder:
Let our thoughts, words and deeds be guided by H-s presence, and lead us to greater understanding.
Best regards, Peter Warner.
Over the line. You should think again.
Posted by: RNB at December 21, 2009 07:19 AMNo big surpise really that they would drag out Klansman Bob to vote. This is the same party that brought Patrick Kennedy out of rehad so he could vote on the Cap and Trade bill in the house.
Dems truly are the big tent party. Their tent has room for klansman, murderers, drug addicts, plagiarizers, race hustlers, and tax cheats.
Tarheel Repub Out!
Posted by: Tarheel Repub at December 21, 2009 07:28 AMWhile Senator Byrd should be the poster child for term limits, publicly wishing death on your pponent is truly bad form. this blog loses respect from many by such a deed, and ads fodder to the liberal flame fanning against conservatives in general. You give them fuel for their media sponsored attacks on "right wing whacko's".
Posted by: DavidB at December 21, 2009 07:37 AMDude said "demise of the health insurance companies, hopefully is in the foreseeable future"
This is classic liberal/Progressive/Leftist dim speech. 60% of the health insurance market is controlled by non-profits and the remaining have the second lowest return on equity of any American industry. If someone has no insurance, or cannot buy it, why blame the insurer's if the medical profession decides not to do pro-bono work?
Insurer's must make certain premiums are adequate to remain in business. Simply look at Medicare to see that this constraint does not apply to a government only plan. A government only plan will become a colossal new entitlement, and with the debt of Medicare about to pull this country under, the last thing needed is the entire population piled ontop. Are Leftist's totally blinded by ideology that rational thought cannot get inside the head?
Posted by: Rick at December 21, 2009 10:04 AMHopefully, within a few more years we'll have a completely government funded health care insurance program that will ensure that ALL Americans have affordable, cradle to grave health care, and state mandated abortions for the poor.
I may have changed that last line to match your position.
I don't think the current bill has a mandate for forced abortions, and that's why Dude, and so many Libs think it falls short.
I'm not totally pleased with this bill, either. However, it's a start.
Democrats/Libs sure do love the KKK, and burning churhes of their political opponents, and abortion.
Posted by: brando at December 21, 2009 10:07 AMHey Dude, I see you no longer post on "man-made" global warming/climate change issues. Why is that?
Posted by: Rick at December 21, 2009 10:14 AMI hate to say it but in order to get a return of control of the government to the people, we may have to wish that a number of established politicians meet an untimely end. Have you tried to contact your senator or congressman lately? They aren't listening or responding. My senator in Landrieu and she has turned her phones off. Even the press can't contact her. She will come up for re-election in 5 years and by that time the government will have figured out how to get the Katrina people back here and she will win again.
Dude, as a physician, I do wish that you get the national health care that you so desire. The only problem is that a number of innocent people will be stuck with it as well. Then I want you to post about how great it is. Not too many in other countries brag about how good it is to wait 6 months for necessary procedures or to be put on death list or to sit in filty facilities. But hopefully you will find this superior to what we have.
"I hate to say it..."
Suuuuuurrre you do. And if that "untimely end" is met as the result of some reader of right-wing blogs, some newfound Jim David Adkisson, grabbing a gun or a bomb and helping that "untimely end" along, you'll be sure to put on your frowny-face for the cameras and pronounce yourself shocked, I tell you SHOCKED.
Posted by: Pamela Troy at December 21, 2009 03:19 PMHuh. Well that's despicable.
Posted by: Aaron at December 21, 2009 04:23 PMWow. Thank God for people like you because your hatefulness will help keep the more responsible Democrats in power for years to come. Keep representin' ya'll.
Posted by: td at December 21, 2009 04:32 PMSure had a different opinion when it came to Cheney:
Stay classy
Posted by: BarneyG2000 at December 21, 2009 04:40 PMScore another one for "compassionate conservatives".
Posted by: Tom Woolf at December 21, 2009 04:41 PMGood Lord -- where were all you hyperventilating asshats from January 2001 to January 2009? The left constantly wished for the deaths of not only the President and Vice-President, but thousands of US servicemen. Hoping that a Klansmen shuffles off to his long-overdue final reward is nothing compared to that.
And when leftists turned that rhetoric into actions -- shooting policemen and planting bombs -- what did you do? Call for the left to calm the rhetoric?
Posted by: Rob Crawford at December 21, 2009 04:43 PMYeah, those liberal dems are such racists. Kinda counter-intuitive, but so many brilliant ideas issuing forth from the right are counter-intuitive these days, if not positively surreal - like a melted clock in a Dali painting. Like Obama not being born in America, being a socialist, wanting to take away guns, hating white people, etc, etc....
Must suck to be on the wrong side of history. Sends normally lucid people completely over the edge...
Hey Rob Crawford,
As for shooting policemen - seems like the right has the monopoly on that particular style of political discourse , as they do on blowing up daycare centers in federal buildings.
But I don't want to let reality intrude into your fantasy life.
any reason you deleted my post? can't take criticism? $5 trillion added to the national debt during Bush 43 and nary a word from conservatives. Where was the outrage then?? hypocrites!
Posted by: Patrick at December 21, 2009 05:03 PMSorry, forgot to mention the PA story - the right wing killer of police officers is named Richard Poplawski. Google him.
Posted by: petruk at December 21, 2009 05:03 PMByrd has more class and dignity in his little finger than a hundred of you so called conservatives.
Posted by: beaker at December 21, 2009 05:06 PMGrousing about Klansman Bob on a site called "Confederate Yankee" is like complaining about Jesse Helms's anti-Semitism on a site called "Nazi Zionist."
At least Byrd recanted his former beliefs. I think some folks in here probably long for the real "death panels" of old, when that meant a tree, a rope, the "rapist," and some beer.
Posted by: Gramsci at December 21, 2009 05:07 PMSorry, but the Senate and the nation had to put up with that unreconstructed bigot and rapist Strom Thurmond until he croaked. You now have to put up with Sen. Byrd in the exact same way. Sauce for the goose....
Posted by: theod at December 21, 2009 05:33 PMRob Crawford: Good Lord -- where were all you hyperventilating asshats from January 2001 to January 2009? The left constantly wished for the deaths of not only the President and Vice-President, but thousands of US servicemen.
Someone expressed these wishes on the Senate floor? When? And do point out those senators and reps who were wishing for the death of "thousands of US servicemen."
Posted by: Pamela Troy at December 21, 2009 05:35 PMShame on you. Really, you have so little regard for civil debate that you wish for someone to die? Your mother would be ashamed of you. And you should think long and hard about the kind of person you are. God help an empty, bitter heart like yours.
Posted by: Rebecca Farwell at December 21, 2009 05:58 PMPamela, I do remember leftist demonstrators with signs picturing Bush's head on a pike and leftist signs encouraging soldiers to shoot their officers. I remember Democrat Senators & Reps voting for the Iraq war, then immediately after the election turning against it. I remember Democrat Senator Dick Durbin, on the Senate floor, describing our soldiers as "in the order of Pol Pot" and Senator Harry Ried saying "this war is lost", in an attempt to turn the citizens against the administration. Don't you remember this? Where were you?
During the GW Bush years the Democrats successful modus operandi to regain power was a continious distortion of the truth and an undermining of the war effort by shaking the citizens confidence in its government. It worked, so don't be suprised by the anger of the people.
Posted by: Rick at December 21, 2009 06:09 PMPam,
The highest levels of the left regularly consort with terrorists and terrorist supporters... all the way to the White House.
Posted by: bombs away at December 21, 2009 06:14 PMRick of 12/21 at 6:09PM takes no responsibility for the Rick that posted at 6:04PM!
Posted by: Rick at December 21, 2009 06:16 PMWow, I am astounded at the forces here working for Satan, proposing that people die, or attacking our great country. The Great Deceiver has a lot of tools on the right, and they will all suffer for their evil in the afterlife. I'll pray for you.
Posted by: coyote at December 21, 2009 06:31 PMKeep bringing in old ’sheets’ Byrd. Maybe he will croak one of these days under stress and improve America by eliminating one more racist Democrat. Hopefully that will happen before this abomination of a health care bill makes it through the Senate....
Posted by: iconoclast at December 21, 2009 06:33 PMRick: I do remember leftist demonstrators with signs picturing Bush's head on a pike and leftist signs encouraging soldiers to shoot their officers.
And where the people carrying these signs Senators? Reps?
Rick: I remember Democrat Senators & Reps voting for the Iraq war, then immediately after the election turning against it.
And this equates to wishing American soldiers
DD: I remember Democrat Senator Dick Durbin, on the Senate floor, describing our soldiers as "in the order of Pol Pot" and Senator Harry Ried saying "this war is lost", in an attempt to turn the citizens against the administration. Don't you remember this? Where were you?
Sure, I remember Dick Durbin quite aptly pointing out that torture was torture whether committed by Americans or Pol Pot. remember Harry Reid saying something like that. What I don't get is how you figure this and Harry Reid saying "the war is lost" to wishing for the death of American soldiers.
Posted by: Pamela Troy at December 21, 2009 06:34 PMWow. I thought the racist left was supposed to have died out long ago, but speak ill of a Klansman and they come out in force to defend him.
Posted by: anon at December 21, 2009 06:37 PMSure, I remember Dick Durbin quite aptly pointing out that torture was torture whether committed by Americans or Pol Pot. remember Harry Reid saying something like that. What I don't get is how you figure this and Harry Reid saying "the war is lost" to wishing for the death of American soldiers. Posted by Pamela Troy at December 21, 2009 06:34 PM
Well, since there was no torture, what was done in our defense to the genocide of Pol Pot was the worst sort of moral equivalency. The kind where the person who uttered that should be forced to live in someplace like Cambodia and experience real genocide and torture.
As for helping out our enemies by claiming (incorrectly) "the war was lost" in order to gain political power is the essence of modern Democrats.
All of you deserve to be exiled or worse.
Personally, I suspect that the Henry Bowman solution-train is rapidly approaching the station.
Posted by: emdfl at December 21, 2009 06:44 PMIconoclast: Well, since there was no torture...
And disagreeing with you about torture equates to wishing our troops
Saying "the war is lost" equates to wishing American troops
Iconoclast: All of you deserve to be exiled or worse.
Given your attitude towards people who disagree with you (you want to see us tortured, exiled or "worse"), you must be a BIG fan of the old USSR's approach to dissent.
Posted by: Pamela Troy at December 21, 2009 06:50 PMPamela,
Either you or I read Crawford's post wrong. He, nor I, alleged that Senators and Reps wished Americans dead or were the people carrying signs, but rather this outstandingly bad behavior came from the Left.
Equating US soldiers to the genocide comitted by Pol Pot is OK by you?
Posted by: Rick at December 21, 2009 07:09 PM
David - "I do wish that you get the national health care that you so desire. The only problem is that a number of innocent people will be stuck with it as well."
Yeah, we don't want "innocent" Americans getting any of that "free" health-care like they get in prison...that would be awful...
And Rick, you a damned liar. Produce some proof of leftest signs "encouraging soldiers to shoot their officers." What a petty little men you wingnuts are...
Posted by: elmo at December 21, 2009 07:24 PMPamela,
I see what you are referring to, however this was only the conclusion liberal journalist Dana Milbank of the Washington Post came to rather than the actual words of Senator Coburn. Senator Coburn is an excellent human being, extremely intelligent, and not that dumb to have referred to the frail health of Byrd.
Posted by: Rick at December 21, 2009 07:25 PMRick: He, nor I, alleged that Senators and Reps wished Americans dead or were the people carrying signs, but rather this outstandingly bad behavior came from the Left.
And yet, that "outstandingly bad behavior" on the part of the left was not echoed on the floor of the Senate by Democratic politicians.
Rick: Equating US soldiers to the genocide comitted by Pol Pot is OK by you?
No. Accusing US soldiers of "genocide" would not be okay, because I've seen no indication that they are committing "genocide."
Equating the use of sleep deprivation, humiliation, and stress positions against prisoners by American forces with the use of sleep deprivation, humiliation, and stress positions against prisoners by the Third Reich, the USSR, and Pol Pot's regime IS okay with me because frankly, I see no difference between an American soldier using these forms of torture and a German, Soviet, or Cambodian soldier doing so.
If you do see a difference, by all means, explain it to me, along with a disquisition on Solzhenitsyn's chapter on torture in the Gulag Archipelago, and how the sleep deprivation, stress positions, and humiliation he described as torture weren't REALLY torture.
Posted by: Pamela Troy at December 21, 2009 07:27 PMYo, Confederate Dude. The Census worker who hung himself and tried to "frame the locals," as you say, was in Kentucky, not West Virginia. That's like a whole different state. (And not the western part of Virginia either, which is also another state.) I know all hillbillies look alike to you Yankees but as a native West Virginian I am offended by your sloppy grasp of redneck geography.
Posted by: Jerry Bowles at December 21, 2009 08:21 PMJerry Bowels,
Your being offended is a righteous event. Those who despise virtue should spend every minute of their lives offended.
hilarious, i just had this thought today and sorta felt bad about until i stumbled on this post. new convert in the building. bookmarked and see you tomorrow.
Posted by: Randy Broskie at December 22, 2009 12:28 AMWhat a picture to include with that story. It's always nice to watch The Party Of Tolerance lock arms with "their conscience in the Senate" when he breaks into song for his favorite yuletide classic "I'm Dreaming of a White Power Christmas".
Posted by: Brian at December 22, 2009 07:32 AMelmo, search for those pictures yourself. They were out for all to see, and if you're not up with it thats your problem.
Posted by: Ricl at December 22, 2009 08:30 AMPamela,
Sorry for the delayed response, but at age 74 I need more sleep than a young chick like you.
Again, Senator Coburn did not refer to Byrd, that was the conclusion of the WashPo reporter! Please read my post at 7:25PM
You probably think you can impress me with the use of Solzhenitsyn"s "The Gulag Archipelago" 19-18-1956 An Experiment in Literary Investigation I-II - Harper & Row. I read the book about 20 years ago and have now retrieved it from my book case. I assume you refer to PART I chapter 3 The Interrogation that begins on page 93.
Pamela, If you do not realize sleep deprivation, stress positions, and "humiliation" are used by all armies in combat, including ours, beginning in the Revolution, Civil, WW1, WW2, Korea, Vietnam and now the War on Terror, you are very naive. The Third Reich (but not the First or Second Reich), the USSR & Pol Pot went much further than those methods of interrogation. I do not consider the methods we used, that were published, torture.
First they lied about death panels, now they wish for people to die.
Typical Republican health care.
You people are evil. Plain, un-christian evil.
Posted by: timpundit at December 22, 2009 09:28 AMWow, libs really like to state how many words theyr'e going to use as though that will add power to their argument, along with all caps. I'll speak to them in a language they can understand.
But everyone knew that. But most importantly and on topic.
The Democratic Party and the KKK are locked at the hip. Why are Libs frothing at the mouth to defend these clowns?
Posted by: brando at December 22, 2009 09:36 AMrick: Again, Senator Coburn did not refer to Byrd, that was the conclusion of the WashPo reporter! Please read my post at
It's also the conclusion of the writer of this blog, and numerous other right wing outlets. What Coburn did was give a successful shout-out to the base (in every sense of the word) -- who knew exactly what he meant.
rick: You probably think you can impress me with the use of Solzhenitsyn"s "The Gulag Archipelago"...
I cited it because I consider it relevant. I, too, read it when it first came out, initially in the form of that very chapter on torture, excerpted in Harpers. Funny thing. I don't remember anyone on either the right or the left taking issue with Solzhenitsyn's description Sleep Deprivation, etc., as "torture."
In fact, I don't remember ANYONE in this country taking issue with these things as torture -- until the Bush administration decided it was okay to do it.
Rick: Pamela, If you do not realize sleep deprivation, stress positions, and "humiliation" are used by all armies in combat, including ours, beginning in the Revolution, Civil, WW1, WW2, Korea, Vietnam and now the War on Terror, you are very naive.
Do cite some references that indicate these things were institutionalized as the standard treatment of prisoners. Yes, there were instances of torture, but they were NOT policy and NOT considered acceptable treatment of our POWs.
So you figure Solzhentisyn was a big ol' naive sissy crybaby? The USSR got really unfair treatment in his book?
Until the Democratic Party's support of Black Civil Rights became too much for him. Then he became a Republican.
Yep. And Ted Bundy was a Republican. Shall we pelt each other with nasty people who happened to be in one of the two major political parties?
Initially, but he seemed to have a wee bit of trouble actually getting Democrats to vote for him when he ran for office. He had MUCH more success when he switched to the Republican Party and successfully ran for the Louisiana Legislature in a special election. He was popular enough among Republicans to serve as the Republican Party Chair in St. Tammany Parish.
Yes. He is.
brando: The Democratic Party and the KKK are locked at the hip.
Not for over a century. No, it's the REPUBLICAN party that has the problem weeding out unreconstructed Klansmen like David Duke, and the Republican party that decided to make itself appealing to the Dixiecrats in the wake of the Civil Rights movement.
Learn some history, for God's sake.
Posted by: Pamela Troy at December 22, 2009 12:23 PMLOL! Gee. You run away mighty fast for an old guy.
Run, Rick, Run!
Posted by: Pamela Troy at December 22, 2009 12:41 PMPamela, thems fiten words young chick!
I'm not going to get into a female mind warp regarding the definition of "severe pain and suffering" under the United Nations Convention Against Torture.
Posted by: Rick at December 22, 2009 01:58 PMRick:
You're not going to grapple with the facts I've cited. You can't.
For someone who's in his seventies, you sure know little about history.
Posted by: Pamela Troy at December 22, 2009 02:07 PMPamela, what facts are you referring to?
Posted by: Rick at December 22, 2009 02:12 PMYou are a sick, sick person. One day someone you care about is going to be gravely ill (it happens to all of us at one point or another), and you are going to reflect on the horrible things you have said today about another human being, and you are going to regret this moment greatly.
Posted by: Will at December 22, 2009 02:15 PMdidn't even read the commentary. Just wanted to praise Robert Byrd. He's an awesome senator who's done great work in Congress.
Shame on you for wishing for his death -- over politics.
Remember, liberal is the new normal in America. Conservatives don't have a party and the republicans are nutty.
Pamela, did you flee the scene?
Posted by: Rick at December 22, 2009 02:53 PMNope. Didn't "flee the scene."" Just busy this time of year.
The facts I've cited so far in this thread include the fact that the US's past policy on POWs not include torturing them) them, Solzhenitsyn's description of sleep deprivation, stress positions and humiliation as torture (which went unchallenged by anyone on either the right or the left) and the Republican Party's "Southern Strategy," which attracted the likes of Jesse Helms into its ranks marked its final departure as the "Party of Lincoln."
What facts have you cited?
Posted by: Pamela Troy at December 22, 2009 03:36 PMOk, Bob. How about you NOT delete posts you don't like. If you do, you are hiding behind a fail intellect. No free exchange of opinion?
Basic fact: You called for the death of a national politician and there are wing-nuts out there who will read too much into this statement. You may not intend it, but it happens. Take more care and be a human being before posting such outlandish, attention-seeking drivel.
You do a disservice to all conservatives.
Posted by: PoliSci 101 at December 22, 2009 03:47 PMPamela, you're a racist. I said nothing wrong, cause I'm awesome. You owe me, (and many others) a heartfelt apology. Chanting "Learn History" to anyone who isn't a racist is your deal, but it shouldn't be. Learn history? Really? Show me (using facts, not lies), how I'm wrong. When you can't, you must prostrate yourself before me on behalf of the KKK. You might owe Rick one too, because you promised that he ran away.
Make it good. Not one of these modern "sorry if you misunderstood" type of deals. Let's see, I'll give you till the end of the day. I think that's a pretty good deal for you.
Hey Polisci, how about you DO read the comment policy? Then you won't need hide behind a fail intellect.
Posted by: brando at December 22, 2009 03:59 PMPamela, our get together began on your response to that Rob Crawford post at 4:43pm and my negligence in not understanding where you were coming from regarding Coburn's statement. The facts remain that Coburn did not mention Byrd's name and it is only supposition that he was referring to Byrd. You might think he was, I might also, but the fact is we really don't know. He might have been referring to the hope that any Democrat Senator would not show for the vote.
How we slid into torture and the like I'm not sure and don't care to revisit that, only to say the definition of "severe pain and suffering" is in the eye of the beholder and that hind sight is usually 20-20.
It is an oversimplification, entirely incorrect, and a devious attempt to bring race into the subject by making the statement "because the Republicans created the Southern Strategy that marked the final departure as the Party of Lincoln". I do not declare that the Democrat Party remains the party of slavery because David Duke is a Democrat or that Senator Byrd, a former KKK member, on national TV utterred the "N" word a few years ago. I could charge that the Democrat Party ruined the black race with the addiction to welfare and so called entitlements. If I wanted to be as reckless as you were, could charge it was purposely done for on going Democrat votes. But I will not.
This episode with you was a pleasure.
Hope the best for you!
Posted by: Rick at December 22, 2009 04:39 PMwhat has this world come to that we wish someone would die to advance your own cause. This is a shameful way to go, and you know, I do understand. When lie's don't work, than you have to wish physical harm. That has always been the Right's way. I don't agree with this health care plan either, but I don't want anyone to die so I can get my way. My 3 year old daughter knows this. Why don't you? The dirt on the bottom of my shoe has more brains and sense than you do.
Posted by: TJ at December 22, 2009 05:27 PMOne more thing. How is this Obama care when he has not written anything in this bill. This is Senate care at it's finest.
Posted by: TJ at December 22, 2009 05:30 PM"but I don't want anyone to die so I can get my way" - TJ
You're heard of Bin Laden, right? You want to live right? You would wouldn't want a terrorist to die, even if you would live?
Your 3 year old daughter loves terrorism just like you? Really? Please don't teach her that. I command you to stop doing that.
"The dirt on the bottom of my shoe has more brains and sense than you do."
Dirt is not sentient you goon.
That has always been the Right's Left's way.
There I fixed that for you.
Your boy, David Edward Crable, had an epic fail yesterday. Just simmer down.
Posted by: brando at December 22, 2009 05:49 PMWell, at least one group took Sen. Coburn seriously and prayed for Sen Byrd's death.
A caller into C-Span reported this his prayer group had "took Dr. Coburn's instructions and prayed real hard that Senator Byrd that he would die and couldn't show up".
Nothing like leadership to bring out the best in people...
Posted by: Chris Blask at December 22, 2009 08:26 PMBrando: Pamela, you're a racist. I said nothing wrong, cause I'm awesome...
Oh, I see. You're one of those sad souls who's not actually interested in making sense.
Posted by: Pamela Troy at December 22, 2009 10:17 PMRick: How we slid into torture and the like I'm not sure and don't care to revisit that,
You "don't care to revisit that" because you know as well as I do that the subject came up when you brought up Dick Durban's equating Americans torturing prisoners with Nazis/Russians/Khmer Rouge torturing prisoners.
Rick: the definition of "severe pain and suffering" is in the eye of the beholder and that hind sight is usually 20-20.
Baloney. If you're truly in your seventies, you're old enough to know that the definition of torture was not considered that blurry when the Soviets were accused of doing it, or when the Cambodians did it, or when the Nazis did it.
Rock: I could charge that the Democrat Party ruined the black race with the addiction to welfare and so called entitlements.
Well, now THAT'S a nice little glimpse of your view of black Americans. They're all "addict(ed) to welfare and so-called entitlements."
Just a more verbose way for you to accuse them of being "shiftless and lazy" -- which are the terms the racists of my youth would have used.
Posted by: Pamela Troy at December 22, 2009 10:28 PMI love conservatives -- just so you understand --Byrd apologized many years ago for his Klan years. The church burners all joined the party of racism -- The Republican Party. Wishing this man dead is disgusting.
Why you support the real death panels where the Ins Industry sits and kills people to deny benefits to enhance profits and bonuses? You sit there and support the party that lets business rape you because you oppose abortion -- you are all funny sad people.
Posted by: NotConservadumb at December 23, 2009 02:36 AMPamela, it's difficult having an exchange with you. Like a typical liberal you deceitfully pretend to get the wrong impression and digress. That results in pointless additional exchanges.
You understand exactly what I meant. I must say, however, you're not the usual obtuse type.
Posted by: Rick at December 23, 2009 07:49 AMRick: What "wrong impression" do you imagine I am pretending to have? How is it wrong?
Posted by: Pamela Troy at December 23, 2009 11:55 AMI, for one I'm asking Santa for earplugs - I am so tired of listening to all your inane bickering.
How to win an argument in modern day America:
1) Do not listen to anything your opponent may say as he/she must be a moron if they disagree.
2) Inform opponent of their status as a moron, shouting as much as possible to drown out any possibility of rational discourse.
3) Insult opponents' family, race, or country of origin.
4) If opponent capitulates then claim moral high ground. Otherwise repeat steps 1-3.
Posted by: Jamie S at December 24, 2009 05:20 AMI find it ironic that someone so "pro-life" wishes death on another who has spent the majority of his adult life serving the country. Fanning the flames of ill-will and hatred only got the country into the mess it is today. While I don't agree with everything that Obama and the Dems are doing, they are working tirelessly to improve the quality of life overall for all Americans, and even when this was Bush Country, I didn't hear any of the Dems wishing death on their opponents. I take that as a sign of class, maturity, and reason. Grow up.
Posted by: Kristin Rogers at December 24, 2009 03:54 PMThere's lots of criticism of CY (including those calling for his violent death), but NOT ONE WORD against nutroots all-star Olbermann for screaming for Joe Leiberman to commit suicide.
Libs aren'r remotely against people dying over politics. They just don't want those dead to be their own.
Posted by: GG at December 24, 2009 04:19 PM