
February 02, 2010

Punxsutawney Phil Predicts Six More Weeks of Climate Change Fraud

Every day it seems a new revelation comes to light about how climate change advocates doctored research, tweaked models, excluded objective results that subverted their predetermined conclusions, or otherwise corrupted the scientific process in a heavily-politicized push for control over the smallest aspects of our lives in the name of saving the planet.

Even the loudest of global warming proponents are now calling for top global warming researchers to resign in disgrace.

How much longer can climate change cultists hang on to their fantasy that reputable science proves the existence of anthropogenic climate change?

Posted by Confederate Yankee at February 2, 2010 03:18 PM
How much longer can climate change cultists hang on to their fantasy that reputable science proves the existence of anthropogenic climate change?

Since leftards still believe that their bogus economic philosophies actually improve rather than degrade economies, I would guess.....forever.

After all, a leftard is nothing if not stubbornly insistent on failed proscriptions and policies.

Posted by: iconoclast at February 2, 2010 03:44 PM

Punxsutawney Phil is the perfect spokes-rodent for global warming! That's brilliant! Love it!

Posted by: Jim at February 2, 2010 05:09 PM