
March 09, 2010

Good News: Obama's Eco-Nazis A Threat to a Million Sport-Fishing Jobs

That this is even a possibility is incredibly absurd:

"In spite of what we hear daily in the press about the President's concern for jobs and the economy and contrary to what he stated in the June order creating this process, we have seen no evidence from NOAA or the task force that recreational fishing and related jobs are receiving any priority."

Consequently, unless anglers speak up and convince their Congressional representatives to stop this bureaucratic freight train, it appears that the task force will issue a final report for "marine spatial planning" by late March, with President Barack Obama then issuing an Executive Order to implement its recommendations — whatever they may be.

Led by NOAA's Jane Lubchenco, the task force has shown no overt dislike of recreational angling, but its indifference to the economic, social and biological value of the sport has been deafening.

Additionally, Lubchenco and others in the administration have close ties to environmental groups who would like nothing better than to ban recreational angling. And evidence suggests that these organizations have been the engine behind the task force since before Obama issued a memo creating it last June.

As noted later in the article, policies based on junk science are being pushed by anti-use environmental extremists friendly to the Administration could be a threat to a multi-billion dollar industry employing over a million people.

I'd think this was a parody, if this wasn't the exact path Obama's energy policy has already taken.

Posted by Confederate Yankee at March 9, 2010 10:54 AM

I have a bud that works for the Texas Parks and Wildlife and he says this is all that they talk about. It is going to upset the apple cart as he says and make thousands of Texans lose their businesses and go broke.

Fishing on only on the coast is big business here in Texas

Nobody can believe that this is happening.

Papa Ray

Posted by: Papa Ray at March 9, 2010 07:41 PM

Should Say: "fishing, not only on the coast, is big business here in Texas

Posted by: Papa Ray at March 9, 2010 07:43 PM

I will be very surprised if Texans don't simply ignore this. This could be the spark that starts a general repudiation of this crap on a grand scale. I cannot see how this big an action by executive order is Constitutional.

Posted by: Bill Smith at March 9, 2010 10:03 PM

Not to mention all the state revenues that will be missed. This would just continue the downward spiral.

Posted by: Retired Navy at March 10, 2010 07:26 AM

Oh, for crying out loud. This is the same argument used by the factory trawlers that sweep up colonies of tuna, including next year's crop which is tossed dead into the seas.

It is the same argument used in Newfoundland until they had no cod left to fish. A famous sign reads, "In Cod We Trust-ed".

It's shocking to me the short-sightedness. Have you even been to the Marine Spatial Planning site?

Posted by: Steve Schwab at March 10, 2010 08:02 AM