
April 01, 2010

Party of No to be Visited By Party of D'Oh

The Politico reports that a trio of groups representing the lowest common denominators of left-wing politics is staging an utterly absurd public relations stunt:

Three liberal groups will drop off a petition at the Republican National Committee's headquarters Thursday, urging conservative leaders to "take responsibility" for threats and incidents of vandalism against Democrats.

The event is being organized by the Brave New Foundation,, CREDO and Color of Change.

The groups say about 330,000 people have signed their petition, which urges Republicans to "apologize for your hate-spewing proxies in the Tea Party Patriots. It is not acceptable for you to build your party's political fortunes by encouraging and defending bigotry and hatred among your supporters."

Reader comments are running 26-1 against this coalition of the shilling as I write this, and I suspect the event merely serves as a useful reminder of just how radical the fringe is that these groups represent.

Presumably, these group will themselves accept responsibility for the murders of innocents that occurred because of left wing rhetoric during the Bush Administration, the countless threats they and their drones issued, and for the compatriots attempted terrorist attack on the 2008 Republican National Convention that was spurred on by their rhetoric.

What... You think they won't?

In that case, I'd advise that RNC staffers keep their hands in their pockets where they'll be safe.

I'd also advise any RNC staffers avoid coming into close proximity to the group, to avoid beat-downs like the one their thugs gave Kenneth Gladney after shoutinging "What kind of n*gger are you?"

For the sake of diversity, of course.

And make sure that you keep them away from anything flammable, since burning people singly (or sending a few tens of millions to concentration camps) is also part of their belief system... anything for the "greater good."

Lastly, after they leave, the RNC should have bomb disposal teams on hand in case the group plans on leaving something behind other than a petition.

I'm not saying all liberals are violent, but with their documented track record, we can't afford to take chances.

Posted by Confederate Yankee at April 1, 2010 12:51 PM

and the RNC should have a similar petition for them to sign taking responsibility for all the leftist violence and while they are at it a collection for the damages done by leftist violence.

Posted by: JP at April 2, 2010 01:39 AM