
May 05, 2010

WaPo Upset Tea Party Groups Are "Battling Perceptions of Racism"

I imagine their alternate title was "How much longer must we toil to make this stick?"

As several states with active "tea party" groups prepare to hold important primary elections this month, the movement is struggling to overcome accusations of racism that are tinting perceptions of this loose network of conservatives.

The challenge is made tougher by one of the defining elements of the tea party movement: No one person controls it. There is no national communications strategy. And incidents of racist slogans and derisive depictions of President Obama continue to crop up, providing fuel for critics who say the president's skin color is a powerful reason behind the movement's existence.

Amy Gardner and Krissah Thompson are among the cohort of Obama loyalists that create accusations of racism by constantly insinuating that there is a problem of racism, without ever providing evidence much beyond imagery provided by LaRouche Democrats. Racist invective hurled at black Republicans has long been a staple of so-called "progressives," and the most "derisive depictions" of President Obama pale in comparison to the constant steam of caricatures, effigies, and threats directed at President Bush that these same journalists ignored for the proceeding eight years.

"Racism" is the charge brought up by progressives in the media and their elected allies because identity politics is all they have left. As more and more Americans realize that conservative fiscal policies are our best way out of this recession and that shrinking the government that the current Administration is so feverishly attempting to grow, sowing division—even where none exists—is the last desperate attempt to keep a real grass roots movement from enveloping and thwarting a radical President and his radical allies in Congress. Statists dream of establishing the ever more powerful, ever more controlling government that they seek to rule. Progressives want an easily led public with skin-deep diversity masking ideological conformity.

No wonder real ideological diversity, without strawman leaders to objectify and demonize, terrifies progressives so thoroughly.

Update: The progressive narrative continues to collapse.

Posted by Confederate Yankee at May 5, 2010 06:57 AM

President Obama, who sometimes seems to have something hairy and wrinkled in his mouth, has vulgarly called the tea party patriots "teabaggers". As CY points out, his minions, acolytes, and other real teabaggers claim the patriots are racists. This is a false charge. All these librul clowns should read this by Bill Jacobson:

Posted by: Fred Beloit at May 5, 2010 08:16 AM

When are white European people going to realize that no matter what they do they'll be called racist?

Racist/Racism is a term invented by the left to neuter white people and force them into supporting politically correct cultural marxism.

White people must start uniting as ... white people and stating it proudly. Who founded the USA?

The Free Speech Double Standard

Posted by: Elizabeth at May 5, 2010 08:44 AM

One of the problems that the left has is psychological. The problem is projection. They take their own character and assuming that those around them are acting in a similar way or similar purpose. Thus the wild charges of racism, dishonesty, etc.

One observation, I am seeing true honest to God blatant racism from the black community. But it is directed at Obama. They are calling him a long legged McDonald halfbreed. At least that was what one preacher had to say. I think blacks might be concerned about a raction from whites if this keeps up.

Posted by: David at May 5, 2010 08:55 AM

"Amy Gardner and Krissah Thompson are among the cohort of Obama loyalists that create accusations of racism by constantly insinuating that there is a problem of racism, without ever providing evidence much beyond imagery provided by LaRouche Democrats."

Yeah, those durn people throwing around accusations of racism without evidence! How dare they?!

"Racist invective hurled at black Republicans has long been a staple of so-called "progressives,""

Yeah, those durn racist progressives!

Now let's check out the comments for a little bit of totally non-race-based discussion!

"Racist/Racism is a term invented by the left to neuter white people and force them into supporting politically correct cultural marxism.

White people must start uniting as ... white people and stating it proudly. Who founded the USA?"

Yeah! White power! White power!

Posted by: David at May 5, 2010 10:54 AM

The Tea Parties are not struggling to counter accusations of racism. That is the impressions progressives hope to create. So far it is working only in the Democrat lap-dog news media.

We laughing out lound at their pitiful attempts to scare us into submission. Keep it up girly-boys.

Teabaggers, indeed! Talk about projection.

Posted by: garrettc at May 5, 2010 11:45 AM

The news media loves to comment on the charges of racism and the tea party's inability to answer the charges that they themselves have levelled. So, Mr. Smith, when did you stop beating your wife? The news media does a pretty much similar thing when they level false accusations against the tea partiers and then denounce the tea partiers for their failure to prove that they are not racists.

Posted by: TimothyJ at May 5, 2010 12:03 PM

Where did you get the quotes. There are certainly some who extoll white power, like stromfront, but the average commenter does not do this. I feel you need also to look at the source of the racism on the left. Lets start with the president and move through major news agents. This is a little different than the average Joe saying something.

Posted by: David at May 5, 2010 01:34 PM

"derisive depictions of President Obama" does not equal "racist slogans".

Posted by: MikeM at May 5, 2010 03:01 PM

Not any more than previous depictions of all the other presidents. If you can't deal with the cartoons, then don't take the job.

Posted by: David at May 5, 2010 03:26 PM

Wow, while it is good to point out the left's steady "Racist!" rhetoric you missed the biggest line in the article:

"The challenge is made tougher by one of the defining elements of the tea party movement: No one person controls it. There is no national communications strategy."

Why not just say the fact it is a grassroots movement makes it hard to counter. That the Astroturf accusations are, at best, wrong or, at worst, blatant lies by people who should know better. Someone needs to check the continuity of the narrative they are trying unsuccessfully to put upon America. Oops

Posted by: James S. at May 5, 2010 09:29 PM

Yeah, those darned racist tea party folk. I am sure they would want children to be discriminated against in school on the basis of their skin color.

Yes, the conservatives are definitely the racists....

Posted by: iconoclast at May 5, 2010 10:34 PM