
December 31, 2010

Quick Takes: December 30, 2010

Welcome to the last Quick Takes of 2010. On to the fun:

ITEM: According to the U.S.Treasury, the national debt, as of December 22, stands at $13.859 trillion dollars. That represents $44,886.57 for every man, women and child in America. Another way to put it is that the 111th Congress racked up more national debt than did the first 100 congresses combined. Something to remember in 2012.

ITEM: It’s difficult to stop talking about Barack Obama, if for no reason other than that he is constantly sticking his nose into matters that aren’t the business of any president, constitutionally or otherwise. Mr. Obama, on Dec. 28, called Jeffrey, Lurie, owner of the Philadelphia Eagles, to congratulate him for hiring animal abusing felon Michael Vick. Whatever one believes regarding redemption for felons, this is just one more example of Mr. Obama debasing and lowering the office of POTUS, though it’s hard to imagine how he could harm the office more than he has in his first two years. Has to be some kind of record.

ITEM: The Good Guys Win One. The Ohio Supreme Court struck down an “assault-weapon” ban and handgun registration requirements imposed by Cleveland, ruling that the state law on such matters preempts local ordinances. Yet again is the brilliance of the urban elites who would rule us for our own good exposed as so much bovine flatulence.

ITEM: Barack Obama, arguably the most vacationed president in memory, currently suffering the unimaginable horrors of Hawaii for all of us, has announced that he is planning to extend his vacation at least another day due to the stresses of the extended lame duck session of Congress which delayed his vacation so that he could more effectively and extensively damage American national security and the economy. This has to be some kind of record.

ITEM: Union workers--at least some have a conscience--have confessed to a NYC Alderman and other that their union purposely conducted a “slow down” during the recent NYC blizzard as a crude power play protesting potential budget cuts. This sabotage is responsible for at least two known deaths. Mayor Bloomberg says he doesn’t think the Union would do anything like that, but he’ll look into it. Big of him. Surely no labor union would do anything like that? Engage in thuggish, dangerous tactics that endanger the lives of others for the purpose of enriching themselves? Nah. Manslaughter charges anyone?

ITEM: It is, from time to time, good to recall what those who would rule us actually think of us. Recall, please Mr. Obama’s explanation of most Americans to a group of self-imagined elite San Franciscans as the incomprehensible and dangerous who cling to God and guns and who have antipathy for those who are not like them. Remember too, please, Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor who believes that a “wise Latina,” is uniquely qualified to sit on the Supreme Court. Have either of them done anything that would tend to make us believe that they think otherwise? What’s the definition? A gaffe is when a politician accidentally tells the truth? That’s it.

ITEM: He did it again. Mr. Obama, and his press secretary, Robert Gibbs, both recently claimed that Gitmo is the number one Jihadist recruitment tool. Why would they say this? What could they be planning? They must truly believe that Americans are irredeemably stupid. In this, as in much else, common sense is generally sufficient, but for those who would appreciate a quick brush up on the facts, read Karl Rove’s recent addressing of this self-inflicted wound to the foot before it disappears in someone’s mouth.

ITEM: Lisa Murkowski is now legally certified to the Senate from Alaska. Harry Reid won reelection from Nevada. New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson is considering a pardon for Billy the Kid for the murder of a sheriff. Can entire states actually go temporarily insane?

ITEM: Food For Thought Department: Recent zero tolerance idiocy by local school officials has, as usual, renewed conservative calls for school vouchers. Question: Why do conservatives rightly abhor governmental interference in local control, and reject public handouts in every area but this? Shouldn’t conservatives merely redouble their efforts to fix local problems through their elected school boards, who are, after all, their neighbors? Wouldn't we all be better served by removing incompetent school officials, one nitwit at a time?

That’s all for now until next time. Stay warm!

Posted by MikeM at December 31, 2010 12:42 AM

Years ago when I flew for an airline that had a lot fo labor problems with the IAM, it was discovered that some mechanics had gotten onto the roof of the terminal and were trying to shoot ball bearings into the intakes of the starting jet engines with sling shots. DO NOT EVER UNDERESTIMATE HOW BAD A UNION CAN BE! When a union has an issue it is them against the entire world. They consider anything to be acceptable as long as it furthers their cause. Obviously not all members are that evil but if their votes for evil acts are needed they will vote for them. We have created a legal mafia and politicians are to cowardly to confront them. Can you imagine a true leader running for President and making their number one issue the decertification of all public sector unions?

Posted by: inspectorudy at December 31, 2010 01:27 PM

"Barack Obama, arguably the most vacationed president in memory"

Uh...Were you awake for the Bush presidency?

Posted by: Jones at January 1, 2011 08:53 AM

Bush took "working vacations". Thankfully, Obama does not.

Posted by: nelle at January 1, 2011 12:33 PM

Dear Jones:

I'm not in the habit of tit for tat in the comments sections, but merely to set the historical record straight, virtually all of President Bush's vacations were short jaunts to his ranch in the international garden spot of Crawford, TX which was actually set up as a working mini White House, and where, on every "vacation," he actually conducted the nation's business while taking the occasional bike ride or doing actual ranch work.

Dear Nelle:

Thankfully indeed!

Posted by: mikemc at January 1, 2011 02:48 PM

I was nodding my head in agreement until your last item. Why would anyone support the tyranny of the majority (even a local one) with respect to an extremely important individual decision - the education of one's children?

The costs are exorbitant (through property taxes, usually), bad results virtually impossible to reverse, teachers unions often controlling the debates and budgets, historically craven school boards (neighbors or not...and don't get me going about the power structures of small communities) giving away the taxpayer money because they won't be around when the pensions kick in, etc.

Removing nitwit school boards is like removing nitwit congress critters. Virtually impossible, especially when there is no effective constitutional constraint on them. (State law and local ordinances being singularly ineffective at reigning in misuse of local power.) Local government can be just as tyrannical as big government.

Finally: Vouchers aren't necessarily a handout. They could be just giving the payor some vote in who gets to be the payee, and for what exact services.

Try again.

Posted by: ruralcounsel at January 2, 2011 03:23 PM

Pretty! You describe the topic very well. Thanks once again for the push!

Posted by: burberry at January 2, 2011 11:21 PM

On schools:

You ask me to ask a certified idiot to fix the problems he himself created?

Fsck the school boards. Kill them all. Anyone who wants elective office needs shooting. Anyone who wants to run my life, ditto....

Elective office is a punishment, through which one may atone for past sins, if one does well enough. At best. Although not seen as such as yet...

Posted by: who gives a rat's ass? at January 3, 2011 10:10 PM