
January 19, 2011

New, Calm Political Rhetoric: Dem Compares Republicans to Nazis Over Obamacare Repeal

On the bright side Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN) isn't claiming that repealing Obamacare would be unconstitutional, like the dumbest member of Congress, Sheila Jackson Lee, (D-TX).

On the other hand, Cohen decided to compare the Tea Party, conservatives, and the majority of Americans that want to overturn government-ruined health care by comparing them Nazis implementing the Holocaust.

In an extraordinary outburst on the House floor, Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN) invoked the Holocaust to attack Republicans on health care and compared rhetoric on the issue to the work of infamous Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels.

"They say it's a government takeover of health care, a big lie just like Goebbels," Cohen said. "You say it enough, you repeat the lie, you repeat the lie, and eventually, people believe it. Like blood libel. That's the same kind of thing, blood libel. That's the same kind of thing."

And Congressman Cohen didn�t stop there.

�The Germans said enough about the Jews and people believed it--believed it and you have the Holocaust. We heard on this floor, government takeover of health care. Politifact said the biggest lie of 2010 was a government takeover of health care because there is no government takeover," Cohen said.

Citing Polifact's lie of the year—or absurd over-generalization, take your pick—is a fabrication in and of itself.

But comparing the majority of Americans that want to overturn Obamacare to a genocidal regime that put millions to death in hell holes... To Nazis....

To the monsters that did this...

This is a blood libel. A real one.

By one who should know better.

Posted by Confederate Yankee at January 19, 2011 02:37 PM

Remember, the writers at politi(lie)fact have never met/seen a liberal lier(but I repeat myself) whom they wouldn't fellitate if he/she dropped by their office in the Poynter building.

Posted by: emdfl at January 19, 2011 04:11 PM

The majority of Americans do not support overturning Obama/Romney/Dolecare. Another lie, but then who's counting anymore . . . :)

Reforming, yes, but probably not for the same reasons. Oh well, carry on

Posted by: consumed at January 19, 2011 05:15 PM

Consumed, I direct you to the latest poll numbers regarding repeal, by quoting this:

On the morning of the House of Representatives� vote to repeal Obamacare, it�s worth noting that four polls in the past two weeks have asked Americans the straightforward question of whether they support or oppose repeal. Three of these polls didn�t screen for likely voters (who tend to be more supportive of repeal), and, therefore, they�re almost certainly underestimating repeal�s support. Of those three polls, CNN shows respondents favoring repeal by a tally of 50 to 42 percent, Quinnipiac shows respondents favoring repeal by a tally of 48 to 43 percent (and 54 to 37 percent among independents), and Gallup shows respondents favoring repeal by a tally of 46 to 40 percent. The one poll that does screen for likely voters, Rasmussen, shows respondents favoring repeal by a tally of 55 to 40 percent. That�s 4-for-4 (a good day at the plate), and an average tally of 50 to 41 percent in favor of repeal.

Direct cites to those polls are above.

You enjoy your "community-based reality." I'll stick with the facts.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at January 19, 2011 05:21 PM

Hey CONSUMED, pull your head out of your butt. You lefties are all "Lady Gaga" over some silly poll of 800 people, 1000 people or maby even 1500 people!!! How quickly you forget that on November 2, 2010 there was also a poll taken. Approximately 90.7 MILLION ballots were cast, and guess what - the OVERWHELMING majority voted to repeal the "job KILLING bill" called Obama Care. Hey, dont believe me, look it up - the total ballots cast is a REAL number. Do ya think 90.7 million votes trumps 1500 democrats polled by CNN/NBC???

Posted by: mixitup at January 20, 2011 12:59 AM

"Do ya think 90.7 million votes trumps 1500 democrats polled by CNN/NBC??? "

Of course not, those 90.7 million people don't know what's good for them.
Only Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid (by annointment by St Obama) know that.

Posted by: JTW at January 20, 2011 11:08 AM