
June 23, 2011

Writer That Ran with Post Character Assassination Piece Shopped by the Adminstration Just Came Off 3 Month Suspension for Plagiarism

None dare call it journalism.

Washington Post Executive Editor Marcus Brauchli blocked all escape routes that his reporter Sari Horwitz might have mapped when he told Yahoo News reporter Michael Calderone yesterday, "There are no mitigating circumstances for plagiarism."

Horwitz stole from at least two Arizona Republic stories about the prosecution of Jared Lee Loughner earlier this month, the Post reports today. (Here's the Post editor's note on the matter.) Brauchli delivered his justice swiftly. Having learned of the plagiarism in a Monday e-mail from Randy Lovely, editor of the Republic, Brauchli had sentenced Horwitz to a three-month suspension by Wednesday.

If the 3-month suspension ran from March 16-June 16, Horwitz was back on the job less than a week before she ran this bogus story under her name. PJM sources claim someone in the Obama Administration allegedly shopped the article to various news outlets for a week in an attempt to try to stymie Congressman Darrell Issa's investigation in the Administration's role in the Gunwalker plot.

They weren't successful, but they are doing a damn good job of making the Administration look like guilty criminals flailing for a way out.

Posted by Confederate Yankee at June 23, 2011 12:52 PM

I think it's "Horwitz," without the second "o." I haven't been able to establish if she's married (or otherwise related) to Josh Horwitz, of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence. Geography and ideology would fit.

Posted by: Kurt Hofmann at June 23, 2011 01:03 PM

Nice catch on the names, Kurt. I'll have to try to check that out.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at June 23, 2011 01:04 PM