
October 04, 2011

Until The Produce Evidence I'm Calling Bullsh*t: AP Spins for Obama About Operation Wide Receiver

I don't buy any of this:

The federal government under the Bush administration ran an operation that allowed hundreds of guns to be transferred to suspected arms traffickers — the same tactic that congressional Republicans have criticized President Barack Obama's administration for using, two federal law enforcement officials said Tuesday.


When Bush, a Republican, was president, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives in Tucson, Ariz., used a similar enforcement tactic in a program it called Operation Wide Receiver. The fact that there were two such ATF investigations years apart in separate administrations raises the possibility that agents in still other cases may have allowed guns to "walk."

It's damn funny the Associated Press sources Wide Receiver to Bush, when in October of 2010 Obama's minions at the DOJ were passing memos indicating that Wide Receiver was still sealed, and mentioned in a current context along with Fast and Furious and a third unnamed operation.

I would love for AP's Pete Yost to explain who in the Obama Administration told him that Wide Receiver was walking guns in the Bush years. I'm not saying Wide Receiver didn't exist in 2006 or 2007, I'm just not buying the gun-walking angle.

This reeks of political gamesmanship, and I'm not buying the word of anonymous embattled DOJ officials who haven't produced the first bits of evidence to support their claims.

Posted by Confederate Yankee at October 4, 2011 06:35 PM

I wouldn't put it past BATFE to have been doing gun-walking in the Bush years. No matter what Bush was not really one of us.

Posted by: Chris at October 4, 2011 11:37 PM

No, I could see BATFE selling guns to US citizens and then busting them, but not allowing them to walk. You know, really push the straw buyer angle by trying to have one or two gun shops get a reputation as lax in following the straw buyer rules to try and get them. Remember, the whistleblowers were motivated by how 'out of the box' stupid and extraordinary letting the guns walk aspect was.

Posted by: styrgwillidar at October 5, 2011 08:55 AM

Even if true: since Joe Stalin caused death by starvation to several million Ukrainians, it would be perfectly alright for the obama admin to do the same?

IF the Bush admin walked guns to criminals, it was stupid. The first one make a particularly stupid move may have had no precedent to review for results. The second one to make the same particularly stupid move doesn't have that excuse.

"Bush did it too." What a stupid defense.

Posted by: CFM at October 5, 2011 08:05 PM