
May 16, 2008

Huckabee Misfires Again

Mike Huckabee, the same grating "aw shucks" candidate that nearly shot members of the press on the campaign trail, shot his remaining credibility to shreds today in front of annoyed members of the National Rifle Association.

During his speech at the annual convention the following transpired, as noted by CNN:

During a speech before the National Rifle Association convention Friday afternoon in Louisville, Kentucky, former Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee — who has endorsed presumptive GOP nominee John McCain — joked that an unexpected offstage noise was Democrat Barack Obama looking to avoid a gunman.

"That was Barack Obama, he just tripped off a chair, he's getting ready to speak," said the former Arkansas governor, to audience laughter. "Somebody aimed a gun at him and he dove for the floor."

Oh my word.

The dead silence from an upset crowd of responsible gun owners—many of which were legally armed—was obvious in the video. Huckabee beclowned himself, and everyone in the audience knew it.

Predictably, fringe bloggers on the left tried to make the most of Huckabee's moronic tastelessness. "smintheus" at Daily Kos lied and said "this audience laughed," a falsehood proven by the icy silence that quickly resulted in the video linked above.

Pam Spaulding helpfully notes what liberals think about gun owners, claiming, "We've already seen the yahoo vote unapologetic about the fact that they'd never vote for a black man — and plenty of them have an NRA card."

Liberals such as Spaulding would equate gun ownership with Klan membership; I hope that the millions of law-abiding Democrat gun-owning "yahoos" remember that in November.

Only one good thing came out of Huckabee's comments today... his quick exit from the national stage.

Update: Some liberals in the comments are questioning whether or not there was laughter at Huckabee's comment that "someone aimed a gun at him and he hit the floor."

The video link is above, but here's a blow by block chronology, according the the clock on the 2:19 CNN clip.

There were hundreds of people in that room. No more than a handful made any noise immediately after Huckabee made the follow-up gun comment, and they were silent within two seconds.

Timeframe, using the CNN counter:
00:00-00:50 HUCKABEE is giving an apparently good speech generating good applause from the audience
00:51 -- A loud noise is heard offstage.
00:52 -- HUCKABEE (turns and points): "That was Barack Obama. He just tripped off a chair..." Moderate chuckles from the crowd began to build.
00:58-1:00 -- HUCKABEE continued: "Somebody aimed a gun at him, and he dove for the floor." The crowd immediately starts to go quiet.
1:02 -- Crowd is DEAD SILENT. Huckabee looks out at crowd, seems to understand he really made a huge gaffe.
1:02-2:19. -- HUCKABEE rushes through the rest of the speech shown, rushing past obvious applause lines where pauses are designed.

The audience is DEAD SILENT on the CNN audio after ingesting Huckabee's comments, though I'm almost certain there was unheard murmuring not picked up by their microphones.

Posted by Confederate Yankee at May 16, 2008 04:53 PM

where exactly on Spaulding's blog is there a reference to the klan?

Posted by: Notnowjohn at May 16, 2008 06:02 PM

That kind of talk must have been a real knee slapper back in the days when the Huckster was frying squirrels on a popcorn popper in his dorm room at Central Arkansas Bible College (I've got the name wrong and I don't mean to demean the college---it was a small Christian school and they do good works. But they only let their students have hot air popcorn poppers in their dorm rooms--no other cooking utensils allowed--and the Huckster and his roomies needed to figure out how to cook their squirrels.--Ah shucks, I didn't want to go there---but the Huckster did tell the story about cooking the little forest critters and I cringed when I thought what the New York Times would do to a squirrel fryin' candidate for President. ) Anyway, it's time for Huckabee to head back to Little Rock.

Posted by: Michael J. Myers at May 16, 2008 06:02 PM

As one commentator said (I think I saw it on NRO's Corner blog), sometimes you vet the Veep candidates, sometimes they vet themselves.

Of course, The Huckster always did have a talent for shooting himself in the foot.

Posted by: C-C-G at May 16, 2008 06:57 PM

How dense are the democrats. The KKK is and has always been a democrat organization. Formed by democrats and supported by todays democrats. KKK Kleagle Byrd, D (WVa) anyone????

Posted by: Scrapiron at May 16, 2008 07:15 PM

huckabee is a past pastor please that was in very very poor poor taste you need to seat down ans shut up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: felicia jackson at May 16, 2008 07:15 PM

Let's hope that sealed the fate of any ideas of selecting him as VP. Adios, Huck.

Posted by: Pablo at May 16, 2008 07:47 PM

I can only think of one good thing about John McCain: he's not Huckabee.

Posted by: Bugler at May 16, 2008 09:22 PM

"smintheus" at Daily Kos lied and said "this audience laughed," a falsehood proven by the icy silence that quickly resulted in the video linked above.

You might want to get your hearing checked.

Posted by: Urbaniak at May 16, 2008 11:58 PM

Sounds like laughing to me.

I know you people love to tell people what to think, but that sure sounds like laughing to me.

I'm 52 and I know the difference between "icy silence" and laughter.

Nice try though.

Posted by: David at May 17, 2008 02:31 AM

For whatever reason, I can't get the video to play on my machine right now, but, as per David's comment above, the quote cited in the post says the comment was greeted by "audience laughter."

Posted by: cactus at May 17, 2008 06:24 AM

Urbaniak, David, cactus,

Wow. I didn't know that a person's political tastes could damage their perceptions so throughly. I just included a chronological timeline as a update to the main post to help your adjustment to our reality.

Pull that up alongside the CNN video linked in the main post that shows the event, and watch it with the chronology as your guide.

Also keep in mind that Huckabee said two lines.

The first line was that the noise was Obama falling, which generated mild, building laughter. After he made the "somebody pointed a gun at him" statement, a smattering of dying laughter is heard ending from the previous comment, and the entire audience of hundreds was dead silent within two seconds, which lasted throughout the rest of the videotaped segment.

Sorry to interrupt your community-based reality, but that is what actually occurred.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at May 17, 2008 07:01 AM

This is sad.

The good news is that he won't be the Republican nominee in the fall.

Posted by: Neo at May 17, 2008 08:06 AM

Oh, my Lord, I knew the lefties could sink pretty low, but not so low as to argue over when a crowd was laughing.

They'll do literally anything to smear those that support the right to keep and bear arms, won't they?

Posted by: C-C-G at May 17, 2008 08:10 AM

I've seen two versions of the Huckabee clip. In one the crowd reaction is muted, in the other it's much louder laughing by most of the crowd. I have no idea which was edited but one surely was.

I can tell you there are lots of hunters in Illinois who aren't fans of the NRA or the Republican party. Any nut shoots at Obama and I predict it'll be open season on Republican politicians like Huckabee.

Posted by: markg8 at May 17, 2008 08:46 AM

I'm not condemning the audience. But come on, the Kos poster wasn't lying when they said people laughed at the joke. The audience is totally silent after "somebody aimed a gun at him" but then after Huckabee says "and he dove for the floor" there's a fresh spurt of laughter. It may very well have been nervous laughter but it is laughter and it is in direct repsonse to the "conclusion" of the "joke."

Again, I'm not saying the laughter is indicative of any sort of right-wing depravity on the audience's part, it was probably a result of discomfort. You can argue with the Kos poster over the quality of the audience's laughter but not over the existence of the laughter.

Posted by: urbaniak at May 17, 2008 09:42 AM

So let me get this right markg8, Democrats are hateful murderous thugs looking for an excuse to kill. Wow.

Posted by: David at May 17, 2008 12:25 PM

I dunno, I went to You Tube and found this. There's clear laughter after the "he dove for the floor."

Now, who knows, perhaps someone added the laughter later.

Posted by: cactus at May 17, 2008 05:08 PM

Well, there were a lot of people in that hall, and not a lot of paople made whatever noise you hear. It sure wasn't much. I think we hear what matches our own reaction; mine was outright disgusted derision. Could anyone be so stupid as to joke about pointing a gun at anyone? At an NRA convention? Never mind the gratuitous handing of the whole gun toting KKK lynch mob thing to the Left? How freakin' STUPID can you be?

Folks, Dumb is forever. Bye Bye Mike.

What you libs never seem to grasp is that we get rid of people like this; you don't. That's why we can laugh at you right in the midst of this suicide by shoe leather by a Republican.

Posted by: Bill Smith at May 17, 2008 05:38 PM

Good point, Bill... if Huckabee was a Dem there'd be excuses and equivocations buzzing around the "intertubes" like crazy.

As for Republicans, well, as I said before, sometimes you vet the Veep candidates, sometimes they vet themselves.

Posted by: C-C-G at May 17, 2008 06:09 PM

Good point yourself, CCG. He vetted himself, and too big for Momma to change him!

Damn! I watched it again, and he didn't just put his foot in his mouth, he started CHEWING on it!

Posted by: Bill Smith at May 17, 2008 08:56 PM

It would have been helpful if you'd provided the audio CY but I heard the sound clip twice on a local L.A. radio station yesterday. While it's not like the entire crowd was 'busting a gut', I did hear some laughter after he made the remark. I don't imagine that we should, you know, believe our 'lying ears' though. And of course, it's not like conservatives would laugh at something like that anyways. I distinctly remember people not chuckling when that darling, Ann Coulter would regale us with little 'one liners' like, "the best way to talk to a Liberal is with a baseball bat". And I distinctly don't remember the crowd erupting in laughter and applause when our Dear Miss called Edwards a fag at the CPAC Convention.

Posted by: tontocal at May 17, 2008 09:54 PM

Who equates the NRA and the Klan?

Why none other than the man who gets a seat in the Presidential box at the 2004 Dem convention, Michael Moore. Watch "Bowling for Columbine," when he presents an animated history of the Klan/NRA.

Think many members of Kos and company might be influenced by this Oscar-award winning director's documentaries?

Posted by: Lurking Observer at May 18, 2008 10:58 AM

"It would have been helpful if you'd provided the audio CY but I heard the sound clip twice on a local L.A. radio station yesterday. While it's not like the entire crowd was 'busting a gut', I did hear some laughter after he made the remark. I don't imagine that we should, you know, believe our 'lying ears' though. And of course, it's not like conservatives would laugh at something like that anyways. I distinctly remember people not chuckling when that darling, Ann Coulter would regale us with little 'one liners' like, "the best way to talk to a Liberal is with a baseball bat". And I distinctly don't remember the crowd erupting in laughter and applause when our Dear Miss called Edwards a fag at the CPAC Convention."

"Do you even manage to read before you post? Come on now.
Timeframe, using the CNN counter:
00:00-00:50 HUCKABEE is giving an apparently good speech generating good applause from the audience
00:51 -- A loud noise is heard offstage.
00:52 -- HUCKABEE (turns and points): "That was Barack Obama. He just tripped off a chair..." Moderate chuckles from the crowd began to build.
00:58-1:00 -- HUCKABEE continued: "Somebody aimed a gun at him, and he dove for the floor." The crowd immediately starts to go quiet."

Starts, STARTS to go quiet.

Think, type, read over what you type, then think again, then hit the post button.

Posted by: Eric at May 18, 2008 02:44 PM
Think, type, read over what you type, then think again, then hit the post button.

The big problem with that is that lots of those on the left don't know how to do the first step you list. They're capable, but haven't done it in so long they've forgotten how.

Posted by: C-C-G at May 18, 2008 03:30 PM

Silly me. Didn't notice the helpful link to the video that CY had provided. As I remembered from hearing the audio that day, there was laughter after the 'aimed a gun' comment, (albeit, diminished from the 'fell over a chair' comment') So, to sum up, there is some laughter, then the crowd goes quiet. But again, I shouldn't believe my 'lying' ears. (or, you know, think)

Posted by: tontocal at May 18, 2008 08:22 PM

People, please. Can we all just put aside our political differences for a sec and unite behind the fact that Mike Huckabee is completely unfunny. Democrats know it. Republicans know it. Even the NRA knows it.

I say this because I want that man off my TV forever. Help a guy out.

Posted by: Juan Manuel de Rosas at May 19, 2008 04:44 PM

For once, I agree, Juan. Huckabee's joke was in poor taste and was absolutely unfunny. He shouldn't be considered for second assistant dogcatcher of a one-stoplight town, much less VPOTUS.

Posted by: C-C-G at May 19, 2008 05:40 PM

"He shouldn't be considered for second assistant dogcatcher of a one-stoplight town"

Little Rock?

Posted by: Juan Manuel de Rosas at May 20, 2008 10:24 AM