
October 09, 2008

The Weather Underground Documentary Trailer 2002

So this documentary on the Weathermen came out in 2002, following the 1988 hit Running on Empty, that was based on the life of Bernadine Dohrn.

So why is it that Barack Obama says that the last time he associated with Bill Ayers was 2005?


Via "mo1962" in the comments, the full documentary.

Posted by Confederate Yankee at October 9, 2008 09:41 PM

hmmmm....perhaps because it's not politically EXPEDIENT?

Posted by: soozer at October 9, 2008 10:14 PM

The whole thing is here. It gives you a good idea of their mindset... which has not changed in all this time.

And then, there is Ayers' and Dohrn's DVD commentary track, which confirms this.

Posted by: mo1962 at October 9, 2008 10:25 PM

Hey, isn't that movie copyrighted? The Google Video thing says it's from C-SPAN, but looking at the user page, it doesn't look like it's the official C-SPAN page.

As much as I love promoting independent documentaries — and this is a particularly well-made one — seriously, you're taking money out of some poor filmmakers' hands. Not cool.

Rent the movie, though. It's great. Even though I completely disagree with your motives for promoting this film (Obama is not a terrorist. Sorry.), it's a great film. Very well made.

Posted by: Juan Manuel de Rosas at October 9, 2008 10:52 PM
Obama is not a terrorist. Sorry.

No, he just apprenticed to one for many years, and now he can't seem to tell the same story twice about it. Sorry.

Posted by: Jim Treacher at October 10, 2008 12:47 AM

I don't see how the documentary clip is evidence that Obama associated with Bill Ayers after 2005. Can someone please explain?

Posted by: Zambi at October 10, 2008 01:33 AM

Tony you sound crazy like Ayers: ready to take up arms and fight your own countryman. Come on, Obama doesn't hate God, he just doesn't agree with your politics (or mine). This election is about policy, policy policy. I believe in self-reliance. Obama belives in mandatory community help and hand outs.

Posted by: Sassysis at October 10, 2008 02:38 AM

Sassysis you sound crazier.Ayers and Obama want to destroy America. We wish to preserve America. The Tree of Liberty is withering in this forlorn nation and the moral equivalency you espouse will hasten its demise. It is time to reawaken the spirit of our founding fathers and retake the nation.

Posted by: Stormcrow at October 10, 2008 06:29 AM

I'm getting really bored with Obama supporters' arguments about this. Mainstream Americans' reactions to the truth of this comfortable association will vary. Some conservatives will maybe go over the top in genuinely believing that Obama is a supporter of all of Ayers' views and tacitly approves of Ayers and Dohrn's past conduct.

But to me, all of that is irrelevant. What is relevant is that while I couldn't be in the same room with one of these Weather Underground cretins without punching him or her in the face, I simply refuse to believe that the average, normal American is comfortable with having a president who thinks it is hunky dory to work with someone like this, launch his political career in their home, write a jacket blurb for Ayers book and funnel money to his scuzzy radical educational projects, and then lies about it and uses intimidation tactics against those who explore it further.

Posted by: Scott at October 10, 2008 08:48 AM

Looks like Palin's the real terrorist.

Posted by: TheGigaShadow at October 10, 2008 09:04 AM

Fifty years ago, the Democratic party was heavily involve in similar radical community activities. Like Ayers, they were busy constructing bombs, burning houses and churches, disenfranchising voters, rigging elections, forcefully intimidating the others, stealing governmental money and using it to fund the radical group, and overall, keeping an oppressed populace down.

While the target for visible intimidation were the Black citizens, the objective was the maintenance of outright political power. They owned the system since the founding of the south and were not about to share it with anyone else who was not part of it. To pretend the KKK was exclusively targeting blacks is absurd.

As many have commented while reflecting upon the failures of the Third Reich, many have observed that "it was a shame that Hitler picked the Jews as his target." While it is unlikely that Hitler would have found another useful target to destroy in the method of misdirection required to create a Fascist state, the point is a well taken one. The outright target is immaterial to the objective. They could have made the primary target Gypsies, Gays or Guppies if there were enough of them in positions to subject and destroy.

The real target of AmeriKKKa's Democratic Party is the seizure of this nation's wealth and power. They have funded and empowered their SA Brownshirts, Acorn, and are about to allow the lead thug to rise in a manner similar to that of community agitator Adolph Hitler. They've been well funded by former Nazi supporters like George Soros, and have had his assistance in leveraging hedge funds and other connections to exploit the unsound banking structure these same Acorn radicals established. The very lawsuits Barack Obama filed and won against Bank of America and others, intimidating them into giving loans to those unable to ever pay them back, created a city ripe for the burning.

Don't let the focus on race confuse you. Race is misdirection. It's the method, not the objective. The New Party realized 30 years ago that it no longer can seek a phoenix rising in the South as the acceptance of persons of all colors is too significant and open distaste for their actions is too significant. They've moved instead to the inner cities of our major cities to establish their base and prey upon inequity to find their "po' white trash" equivalent which has joined their Acorn community agitator movement en masse.

Posted by: redherkey at October 10, 2008 09:51 AM
The real target of the Democratic Party is the seizure of this nation's wealth and power.

Were you sitting in a pile of your own feces when you wrote that?

You're talking about the Republicans.

Posted by: TheGigaShadow at October 10, 2008 10:22 AM

There is a good article on the American Thinker today about how the marxists are and have been making American students dumbed down as to what they (the marxists themselves) are and by what means they will eventually carry out to achieve their totalitarian goals. Yes, they are godless and Obama is not a Christian but belongs to a church that had the facade of Christianity but teaches Black Liberation Theology which embraces marxism is racist and hateful and indoctrinates victimology. You wonder why the masses are clueless as to what Obama is and who stands behind him. They don't understand what he represents and what "Change" he and other want to bring. This is due to our public schools having become indoctrination camps for the godless marxist groups. Under their complete rule private schools and homeschooling will disappear as well as all your liberty. You and your kids will belong to and must bow to the state. Communist China, the Soviet Union, National Socialist Germany (Nazi)and others are all in your face warnings of what they are bringing in one form or another.

Posted by: TonyUSA at October 10, 2008 10:53 AM

That's bloody scary right there...thanks for the memory jogger, or not!

Posted by: Snooper at October 10, 2008 10:55 AM

Have you no shame? It's come to this then?

Posted by: chris lee at October 10, 2008 12:01 PM

Yo, George Soros is Jewish, and only escaped dying in the Holocaust as a child because he was hidden by his parent's friends. Calling him a "Nazi supporter" is beyond low...

Posted by: Terry Robbins at October 10, 2008 12:06 PM

Yes, Soros was born a Jew. So were many in my extended family. He also survived the Holocaust by helping Nazi authorities locate and round-up Jews. From most definitions of "support," that tends to qualify.

I've studied Soros's financial methodology extensively. He's an exceptionally brilliant man, and one who has studied how to convert market uncertainty and volatility into profit. Unfortunately he goes beyond passive approaches and prefers not to wait, creating the black swan event by kicking out chairlegs.

You need to recognize him for what he is. Get over the culture of racial or religious identity. I don't care that Soros was born a Jew. It's how he has acted that is reprehensible. I don't care that Obama was born with a darker skin. It's his organization of America's Sturmabteilung aka Acorn that is inexcusable and merits him unworthy of Democratic office.

Get past the labels and liberate your brain. Arguing simply on labels and external attributes is a serious clue that one doesn't have the mental wherewithal to have an intelligent debate.

Posted by: redherkey at October 10, 2008 12:14 PM
Looks like Palin's the real terrorist.

Looks like you're a real astroturfer:

Posted by: Jim Treacher at October 10, 2008 02:10 PM

It is time to reawaken the spirit of our founding fathers and retake the nation.

It's always amusing to drop by here and read the words of tiny-fisted keyboard warriors who travel by macho names like Stormcrow.

I'm skeert.

The chest-pounding self-importance is matched only by the desperate paranoia.

Posted by: David Terrenoire at October 10, 2008 02:40 PM

It's always amusing to drop by blogs like A Dark Planet and read the words of tiny-minded keyboard warriors who couldn't write their way out of a wet paper sack. Thank god for fast food day jobs and the promise of a wealth-transferring brownshirt Obamanation.

The drama! The seething hatred for normal people not haunted by deviance and mental disorder. The envy of the successful.

The hollow-chested confused narcissism is only matched by the delusional paranoia.

Posted by: redherkey at October 10, 2008 02:58 PM

Its always amusing to drop by blogs like this and read the words of tiny-minded keyboard warriors who couldn't write their way out of a wet paper sack!

"The real target of AmeriKKKa's Democratic Party is the seizure of this nation's wealth and power."
Posted by redherkey
You know my friend, if I didn't know better I would have believed you. What I'm saying my friend is I would like some sources.

"To pretend the KKK was exclusively targeting blacks is absurd."
Posted by redherkey
You're right, they also targeted jews, hispanics, and anyone not "racially pure". Answer me this then :Why do the KKK want a black pres?

Still not sure what you were trying to say in that whole post.

Also I would like to know how this is all of one parties fault and not partly everyone's fault.

Also, the people who are in office and who should fix this right now or atleast prevented it from happening are the Bush people. How is this not atleast partially their fault? Aren't they the ones in control?

Posted by: people at October 10, 2008 03:45 PM

"people" writes "Also I would like to know how this is all of one parties fault and not partly everyone's fault."

That's a common fallacy to presume that by critiquing one, the proponent of the argument is advocating the alternative. Of course, I don't expect this level of thought from the left... being a progressive requires a significant denial of objectivity.

Personally, I can't stand Bush. In fact, some could argue that he's worse than Obama in that he has no passionate cause like Obama's radical Marxism. Bush is just a conduit for his fat-cat country club moderate Republicans to transfer wealth to their interests.

McCain is another matter. It is hard to watch him identify with his enemy and not think that he still suffers from Stockholm Syndrome.

Realistically, the people did this to themselves. When Chris Dodd, Trent Lott, Barney Frank, Tom Harkin and so on were looting the country, the people allowed themselves to be bought off for trinkets. "Here's a nice welfare check, a rent-subsidized apartment, a teeny reduction in your excessive taxes, a $1000 'tax rebate' check (you'll owe us next year on it)" and so on. We've been a bunch of fools, getting sucked into believing the other party is the enemy when it's both.

In that respect, I don't argue with you, but instead would suggest you're going to have to make hard choices you may not like in order to stand on your principles. People like Palin and McCain are not your typical party insiders. They're not well-connected radical Marxists. They aren't funded by George Soros or other fat-cats who seek to plunder America's wealth. They're not fancy talkers, pretty dressers and exceptional poseurs with concealed pasts.

Who you vote for this election will say everything about your character and what you value. If you put the poseur in, don't come complaining when your liberties and property are taken away.

Posted by: redherkey at October 10, 2008 05:30 PM
Realistically, the people did this to themselves. When Chris Dodd, Trent Lott, Barney Frank, Tom Harkin and so on were looting the country, the people allowed themselves to be bought off for trinkets. "Here's a nice welfare check, a rent-subsidized apartment, a teeny reduction in your excessive taxes, a $1000 'tax rebate' check (you'll owe us next year on it)" and so on. We've been a bunch of fools, getting sucked into believing the other party is the enemy when it's both.

Wasn't it Toqueville who said that America would fail if/when the people learned that they could vote themselves largesse from the federal government?

We've reached that point. We are headed the way of the Roman Empire. It's only a matter of time.

Of course, the choice of President, both in this and future elections, can either hasten or delay the end. I'll be voting for delay, not hasten.

Posted by: C-C-G at October 10, 2008 06:56 PM

Yeah, Treacher like I'm supposed to believe it because it's on your site. Sure I guess that makes it true.

Anyway, this just in:


She's turning out to be the scumbag we all knew she was from the start.

Suck it Treacher.

Posted by: TheGigaShadow at October 10, 2008 09:58 PM
Yeah, Treacher like I'm supposed to believe it because it's on your site.

You're not supposed to believe anything, dear heart.

Suck it Treacher.

High five, Oscar Wilde.

Posted by: Jim Treacher at October 11, 2008 02:26 AM

Ahh, we have conclusive evidence that TheGigaShadow either cannot or will not read.

From the Alaska Daily News' report on Tasergate:

Still, he said, Palin's firing of Monegan was "a proper and lawful exercise" of the governor's authority.

There you have it. Proper and lawful exercise.

To use your own words, suck it, GigaShadow.

Posted by: C-C-G at October 11, 2008 09:12 AM

Oh, GigaShadow... since CY has started a thread entirely devoted to Tasergate, I'll not be responding to any more of your attempts to change the topic in this thread, and I urge everyone else to similarly ignore his blatant attempt to drag a red herring across this topic.

Posted by: C-C-G at October 11, 2008 10:35 AM

Interesting. Looks like GigaShadow retreated back into his dark cave because the bright light of truth was too much for him... as it is for most shadows.

Posted by: C-C-G at October 12, 2008 06:01 PM

The fact that Obama is going to win in November must be driving you all racist rednecks insane with anger. Especially since there's not a thing you can do about it. Hahahahahahaha!!!

Meet Sarah Palin’s radical right-wing pals.

Surprise surprise. A raving nut job.

And CCG, go eat a bag of shit.

Posted by: TheGigaShadow at October 12, 2008 08:42 PM

With all undue respect TGS:

The fact that Obama is going to win in November must be driving you all racist rednecks insane with anger.

What we 'racist rednecks' (your words) will be forced to do under an Obama administration is protect our constitutionally guaranteed civil rights. His election might actually be the best thing for conservatives in the long run. We'll be forced to organize, get our collective acts together, and make our own Change. I only Hope it won't be too late for the United States of America.

Now there's Hope and Change I can believe in.

Posted by: Mark at October 13, 2008 12:39 PM

Thank you for the kind dinner invitation, GigaShadow. However, I think I'll decline. I much prefer good ol' meat and potatoes.

However, I note your lack of a response to the statement that Palin's firing of Monegan was "proper and lawful." I take it that you have no response to offer, either here or in the thread about that issue. Therefore, I'll consider your statements completely debunked since you won't even bother to attempt to defend them.

Good day, sir. I said, good day.

Posted by: C-C-G at October 13, 2008 04:44 PM