
December 15, 2004

A Blue Christmas? Not Quite

Seems like the liberal-run education system has failed us again.

A new generation of oxygen-starved liberals have now decided to color Santa blue instead of red, proving their mothers (the ones who chose to carry them to term, that is) ingested far too much THC during their pregnancies.

A group calling themselves "Buy Blue" has a web site up encouraging lefties to buy products from left-leaning businesses that directed the majority of their campaign contributions to Socialist Democratic candidates.

An offshoot of this moonbattery is their Blue Christmas campaign, alluded to above.

Yes, we're all shocked that a party allied with the Anti-Christian Liberties Union (PDF) would even mention the word "Christmas" without an overwhelming urge to sue themselves, but they obviously felt they corrupted the spirit of the season enough to suit their Godless existence.

That said, a wonderful benefit of the Blue Christmas campaign is this page, which not only tells you which "blue" companies donated heavily against freedom in Iraq and Afghanistan, against the rights of children to be born, and against the very mention of the name of the man who's birth we are celebrating with this holiday, but also includes a list of "red" companies that still support the principles this country was founded upon.

Please download the printer-friendly PDF version of their page (before they wise up and take it down), and be sure to send it to everyone you know, so that when they buy consumer goods, they are buying from the "red" companies that still support traditional American values.

These liberals want to take Christ out of Christmas and make Santa blue.

Thanks to your convenient list, liberals, I'll be confidently shopping "red" for 364 days, and I'll still be dreaming of a white Christmas.

Update: I visited Little Green Footballs after I posted this thread and noticed that Charles found another group of Shop Blue morons. Check it out.

Posted by Confederate Yankee at December 15, 2004 10:19 AM