
November 02, 2005

An Absence of Outrage

I cannot pretend to be surprised to find out about the existence of "black" prisons. That every "civilized" nation has such facilities is understood by the players in this all too serious game. That these places didn't exist would come as a far greater shock.

The existence of such operations is legal under U.S. law, and supported by legal reviews from the CIA general counsel's office, the Justice Department, and lawyers of the executive branch according to the very Dana Priest article that breaks the story. Someone deliberately exposed the existence of these specific (formerly secret) operations and facilities, in what appears to be a clear crime in this time of war. This individual or group risks the lives of not just one operative, but entire intelligence operations.

One would think that those pundits, so offended by the exposure of one non-secret Langley operative would be outraged by the exposure of potentially dozens of agents still overseas... but one would be wrong. The lives of covert operatives, like the lives of our overt military forces, appeal to the left only when politically advantageous.

After fours years of siding against America and with islamofascists even to the point of attempting to rewrite history, we should hardly be surprised.

Posted by Confederate Yankee at November 2, 2005 05:52 PM | TrackBack

I think this is about as irresponsible as journalism gets without being treasonous!

Naively believing that only providing geographical regions won’t pinpoint certain facilities is stupid at best. It’s called INTELLIGENCE. The people in the business have some intelligence, too, and that goes for our enemies as well as our own folks. I read this piece and just couldn’t believe my eyes. Doesn’t anyone care about national security anymore?

If the Lilly-livered bleeding-heart liberals can’t stand the thought of our agents bending and breaking some “rules” to keep their butts safe at night, then they should find some impenetrable utopia to go to (if they can). There are evil people out there that want to do despicable things to our citizenry in the name of religion. For our own preservation, we must loose some hounds from hell and we MUST let them do their job unfettered. So what if they make some terrorist think he is drowning or if they emasculate a terrorist by putting panties on his head? If it prevents a horrific attack against us it is more than worth whatever measures must be taken. If you can’t stand the heat, then get the hell out of the Kitchen!

I’m absolutely beside myself because of the self induced political correctness inflicted upon our troops; demanding that we not offend the sensibilities of our Islamofascist enemies. WTH; like they care about offending our sensibilities (remember the beheading of our noncombatant citizens). Take the damned kid gloves off and take the fight to them in a way they know unequivocally that we will not stand for their crap. Instead of feeding prisoners three Islamicly correct meals a day – feed them sausage stew. Take their Qur’ans away and give them Bibles if they want to read anything. Put them in a 24/7 lighted interior cell so they have no idea of the direction to Mecca and Medina or what time of day it is. Let the Islamofascists know we’re meaner than they can stand. Perhaps then they will realize that they will never dominate the world. They call us the Great Satan; let’s give them a taste of hell and then send them on their way. I’ve just had it – but I’m sure you couldn’t tell.

Posted by: Old Soldier at November 2, 2005 08:35 PM

Good post, CF. I saw that story this am, and I knew the moonbats would go ape over it, but you found a good angle, which is so true.

It is all about power with the Insanolibs. Right and Wrong doesn't enter the equation. Ever.

I would love to see Bush go on TV and give the speech he gave the UN, the one about the UN being "irrelevant," but change the wording to be Democrat.

Posted by: William Teach at November 2, 2005 08:43 PM

Thanks for speaking out against the MSM's hypocrasy.

Posted by: Howard Larson at November 2, 2005 09:31 PM