
April 28, 2006

Advertising Grey

Chris Bowers of MyDD is angry that the marketers of United 93 have chosen an across-the-board buy on the conservative advertising network at BlogAds while ignoring the much large circulation at liberals blogs (4.37 million page views/week and 17.78 million page views/week, respectively).

He writes:

Why did the marketers of United Flight 93 decide to only advertise on conservative political blogs? The Liberal Blog Advertising Network is four times as large, and is even a 20-30% better deal per page view (or CPM, to use the relevant industry term). Do they think that attack is only relevant to red America? Do they think that only Republicans were attacked on 9/11? Do they think that only conservatives remember that day? Do they think that the only people who took action on United Flight 93 had voted for George Bush one year earlier?

The Americans aboard Flight 93 were red and blue, male and female, white and not, gay and straight. They were all heroes, and all Americans recognize them as such. All of America was attacked on that day, and all of America worked to save lives that day. There have clearly been, and continue to be, disagreements about the appropriate course of action for us to pursue as a nation in response to that day. However, on September 11th itself, we were all united, including on United Flight 93.

For some reason, in memory of that day, the marketers of Untied Flight 93 have taken it upon themselves to continue the conservative slander against liberals and progressives in this country that we don't remember that day, that we didn't care about the lives that were lost, and that we somehow hate our country. If any single day in American history should have shown just how utterly slanderous statement like that are, it was September 11th, when right in the heart of blue America we all stood together. And yet, even in the marketing of their own film about a day when we were not divided, Universals studios and the marketers of their latest film have chosen to divide us. That is sad and offensive. As not only the manager of the Liberal Blog Advertising Network, but also as a proud patriot who works every day to try and help the country that I love, the country in which I was raised, the country where nearly everyone who I ever loved lived, the country that has produced my favorite works of art, music and literature, that country that I still believe is the greatest beacon of hope the world has ever known, I am saddened and offended by this. And I promise that I will not be attending this movie, which I had been intended to see and review on Sunday, until I receive some sort of explanation on this matter.

In some respects, Chris is right: on 9/11 we were not thinking about "red and blue, male and female, white and not, gay and straight."

But we were pink and grey even then. The difference?

The Pink Tribe is all about feeling good: feeling good about yourself! Sexually, emotionally, artistically – nothing is off limits, nothing is forbidden, convention is fossilized insanity and everybody gets to do their own thing without regard to consequences, reality, or natural law. We all have our own reality – one small personal reality is called “science,” say – and we Make Our Own Luck and we Visualize Good Things and There Are No Coincidences and Everything Happens for a Reason and You Can Be Whatever You Want to Be and we all have Special Psychic Powers and if something Bad should happen it's because Someone Bad Made It Happen. A Spell, perhaps.

The Pink Tribe motto, in fact, is the ultimate Zen Koan, the sound of one hand clapping: EVERYBODY IS SPECIAL.

Then, in the other corner, there is the Grey Tribe – the grey of reinforced concrete. This is a Tribe where emotion is repressed because Emotion Clouds Judgment. This is the world of Quadratic Equations and Stress Risers and Loads Torsional, Compressive and Tensile, a place where Reality Can Ruin Your Best Day, the place where Murphy mercilessly picks off the Weak and the Incompetent, where the Speed Limit is 186,282.36 miles per second, where every bridge has a Failure Load and levees come in 50 year, 100 year and 1000 Year Flood Flavors.

The Grey Tribe motto is, near as I can tell, THINGS BREAK SOMETIMES AND PLEASE DON'T LET IT BE MY BRIDGE.

You have to read Whittle's entire essay to catch the full effect, but the fact is that after 9/11 we did divide. It wasn't about "red and blue, male and female, white and not, gay and straight," but about taking a threat head on, or trying to stay in our comfort zones and pretending if we just found a way to be nice, it couldn't happen again.

Greys, for rather obvious reasons, have an abiding affinity for sheepdogs and many followed them to the center right, whereas Pink gravitated towards the "reality-based" community of the center left instead. Former Democrats and social liberals have surprisingly found themselves identified as Grey, and some erstwhile conservatives have been found to be Pink to the core. Lines are crossed and re-crossed and mostly blurred, but is isn't about being a conservative or a liberal.

It is about which way made you feel safe, Pink or Grey.

The passengers who acted of Flight 93 were stone-cold Greys when it counted.

The marketers of this film simply spent their cash where they though they could find an emotional hook, an accord that would work the best for them. Greys attract Greys, and anyone who reads blogs know that most of the Greys have pitched their tents to the right of center, even if in a temporary state. Good marketers market where the bulk of their target demographic lies.

It really is an simple as that.

Posted by Confederate Yankee at April 28, 2006 02:14 PM | TrackBack

Do they think that attack is only relevant to red America? Do they think that only Republicans were attacked on 9/11? Do they think that only conservatives remember that day?

Maybe the marketers heard that a lot of "progressives" are over 9/11. Not a good demographic, IMO.

Posted by: John from WuzzaDem at April 28, 2006 10:53 PM

I check Bill Whittle's blog frequently, hoping to find a new column, but alas, nothing. Do you have any information on when he plans to post again??? Please email me with any information you might have.

Thanks ~ HMIL

Posted by: HMIL at April 28, 2006 11:24 PM