November 13, 2006
Of Sterner Stuff
The following letter was emailed to President George W. Bush at the White House this morning, asking him to rededicate America to winning the War on Terror.
Send your own comments to the President via email, over the telephone at 202-456-1111, or via fax at 202-456-2461.
Dear President Bush,"These are the times that try men�s souls."
So Thomas Paine began a series of pamphlets in late 1776 called The American Crisis, and in which he continued, "The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot may, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country; but he that stands it now deserves the love and thanks of man and woman."
All around you lies a nation demoralized, yet not yet defeated, waiting upon your steadying hand to find a solution to the problems of modern-day Mesopotamia.
Shia, Sunni, and Kurd slaughter each other along with our soldiers in what seems to be an unending campaign of bloodshed. This war is meant to sap the spirit and soul of not just one country, but legions of the faithful of many languages and creeds, across national and international borders.
Indeed, many in this land have lost hope in the noble ideas that founded this nation, and now clamor for a retreat to our own shores from those who would strike at us here as they have in the past. These well-meaning but misguided souls seek for no more blood to be spilled, for no more lives to be lost in a brutal, grinding war that sees our national will and our thirst for peace and justice challenged.
But we are made of sterner stuff, and what they do not understand is what you must know in your heart to be true, and that is simply this; there can be no peace in this war or this world without victory.
We live in a time where cynicism lords over self-sacrifice, where absent a call to rise above the mundane, the backbenchers and the critics are given voice by the simple absence of dedicated call to duty.
Early on in this great campaign you spoke to and for all of us when you said, "Great tragedy has come to us, and we are meeting it with the best that is in our country, with courage and concern for others because this is America. This is who we are."
Our soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines have heard your call, and answered to it magnificently.
Yet it seems in this dark hour that many Americans have forgotten who we are and what God set us upon this Earth to do. I firmly believe that you, a man of great Christian faith and conviction, were elected not to serve just the United States, but God�s will in spreading to the dark corners of the world both hope and freedom. It is for these two things that American and Iraqi soldiers rise every morning in a struggle that sometimes seems insurmountable, against a foe both wicked and depraved.
We must succeed, Mr. President.
It is my heartfelt conviction that God put us upon this Earth to strike out against those who would subjugate, oppress and terrorize those who should be free into an uneasy silence. This silence that will only be broken by further explosions and cries from the wounded and dying if we chose this time and this date to retreat. A retreat from Iraq, however it is phrased, is a victory for the forces of Islamic terrorism.
We must draw that "line in the sand, " here, and now, from which will not retreat.
I ask you to do what only you can, and that is to commit American totally to victory in Iraq. History has shown us that wars are not won with half measures, but with an overwhelming commitment of both manpower and conviction.
I beseech you to commit our reserves to the fight in Iraq, as many tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of soldiers that the mission requires, in order to break the will and the bodies of those who fight for chaos and tyranny.
There have been many who have called Iraq "another Vietnam," but what they do not realize is that Iraq can be a Vietnam for the forces of terrorism for which they cannot withdraw without a resounding defeat. They have committed their all�their ideology, their material, and their manpower�to driving our alliance with the common man and woman in Iraq asunder. We must not fail them, or else, we will fail ourselves.
Should those who fight for freedom yield to those who fight for chaos, oppression, and tyranny? I say, emphatically, that the answer to all terrorists of every stripe must be "No."
Mr. President, I ask that you rededicate yourself and our nation to winning the war against terrorism currently being waged in Iraq. We fight not just for their freedoms, but our own.
Sincerely and Respectfully,
Bob Owens
The guy doesn't even read news expect him to read this?
Posted by: Fred at November 13, 2006 01:13 PMMaybe if you sent it in graphic format (ie a comic) the Prez might be able to respond...
Posted by: Ashley at November 13, 2006 03:17 PMThe guy doesn't even read news expect him to read this?
Maybe if you sent it in graphic format (ie a comic) the Prez might be able to respond...
There's only one language Reid, Pelosi and the rest of that gang are capable of reading - that would be the language of Chamberlain -"Appeasement" -
Good Luck Dems!
Posted by: Me at November 13, 2006 03:53 PM"All around you lies a nation demoralized, yet not yet defeated, waiting upon your steadying hand to find a solution to the problems ..."
- Why are you waiting for the same hand that has guided you into this mess? - The hand that was only too willing to act according to the interests of the neocons, Halliburton & Co (not of your nation!)? Don't you remember how arrogant and ignorant the Bush-Administration was in 2002, when they were warned not to invade Iraque? (Cf. the foreign ministers of Germany and France told them exactly what would happen (Re-read the speeches!) - and it happened: Not "Mission accomplished", but a new playing-field and a boost for terrorism! - But at least you gave those whimps what for: You now eat "Freedom Fries", don't you?)
"This war is meant to sap the spirit and soul of not just one country, but legions of the faithful of many languages and creeds, across national and international borders."
- How true, how true! But it is not only the terror - it is the way this war was started and the way it is being fought. Where is the sympathy we all felt for America after 9/11? - Lied away by the Bush, Rumsfeld, ... - tortured away in Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo Bay, and dozens of secret CIA-prisons all over the world - riddled by American firepower.
"... many Americans have forgotten who we are and what God set us upon this Earth to do. ... you (GWB!) ... were elected not to serve just the United States, but God�s will ..."
Outstanding, magnificent arrogance and blasphemy!
Posted by: he at November 13, 2006 04:12 PM