
June 07, 2007

Cheap Shot

Infuriated at Paris Hilton's early release from jail, Sean Mullen of the Moderate Voice uses the opportunity to take a swing at Fred! as well:

There are rumors that the nascient Fred Thompson presidential campaign is interested in bringing her [Hilton] on as a spokesmodel.

I'm not sure where Mullen is intending to go with this.

Is he saying that a tipsy tart like Paris Hilton is the kind of person Thompson associates himself with, and if so, isn't that yet another Scarborough-esque cheap shot at Jeri Thompson, wife of the undeclared Republican candidate?

Posted by Confederate Yankee at June 7, 2007 12:01 PM

This is the dems latest technique in the campaign season. They take a dump on the favorite candidate of the hour (Fred does happen to be my guy, in the interest of full disclosure).

Should we all now start talking about the tarts that the Kennedy clan has raped and used over the past 3 or 4 decades? If they want to play this game, in this manner, they'd better be prepared for the quid pro quo....because people in glass houses....

Posted by: LisaV (aka "Talismen - Lady Crusader against jihad) at June 7, 2007 12:22 PM

They have a lot of nerve making these kind of accustions considering Bill Clintons escapades.

Posted by: csasarge at June 7, 2007 01:35 PM

This raises a question that I have been pondering. If there is a segment of society that is called upon to pay far more taxes than the average individual, shouldn't they expect better treatment? I know that in my career I have had to pay upwards of 60% of my income in tax and am held to a far higher standard in my profession than the average individual. It would seem only fair that I have priveledge over others who don't meet these excessive social obligations.

This is the message that we are getting from elites who are both Democrat and Republican. And no one can argue that our society is becoming fragmented along social lines that are establishing a pecking order similar to the type in Europe from medevil times. So instead of cowering under a false cover of equality, those of us who are expected to do more should step up and demand different considerations. Otherwise, lets make social obligations more uniform.

Posted by: David Caskey,MD at June 7, 2007 02:04 PM

David, look into incorporating, even if only as a sub-S. It did it quite a while ago and the financial advantages were/are significant.

Posted by: Purple Avenger at June 7, 2007 04:03 PM

I did even better than that. I retired and went to work for the state. Now I suck up your tax dollars.

Posted by: David Caskey at June 7, 2007 09:02 PM

Scarborough takes cheap shots at Thompson's wife because the closest he could come to a woman that cute is at a magazine stand.


Posted by: chsw at June 7, 2007 10:04 PM