
August 18, 2010

Thanks Democrats: Insurance Costs for Large Companies to Skyrocket Because of Obamacare

And if you're and employee of a smaller company, you stand to get reamed as well.

The deficit will continue to balloon, the quality of care will decline, employers will necessarily slow hiring and pass along the insurance cost increases to their customers in the form of higher prices, and to their employees in the form of higher rates/lower salary to keep compensation packages reasonable.

What's not to love?

If I were a Republican or Independent candidate hoping to win in November, I'd build off the cascading series of failures Obamacare promises to bring, and make it's repeal a key part of my platform, making it understood that getting the federal government out of health care is the key to making it affordable to all. If my opponent voted for Obamacare, I'd hammer them for it, repeatedly asking them if they read and understand the bill before voting for it (they didn't). I'd repeatedly ask how they can justify voting for something they didn't understand, that added so much expense, and created so much uncertainty.

It needs to be made clear: Democrats who voted for Obamacare didn't vote for the best interests of their constituents. They can't even pretend that is the case, having voted for a bill none of them even understood. They cast their votes out of lockstep conformity, and because they lack leadership. The only Democrats who can claim to have exercised leadership in the debacle known as Obamacare are those that voted against it.

And how many of those were there?

Posted by Confederate Yankee at August 18, 2010 04:44 PM

Since freaking WHEN has the Federal government EVER made ANYTHING less expensive?

Remember $600 toilet seats?

The Bridge to nowhere?

On WHAT BASIS do you think there won't be massive fraud, and massive just-plain-waste in this Boomer Boondoggle?

Posted by: Bill Smith at August 19, 2010 03:49 AM

You have not seen anything yet. If Obamacare goes on to maturity, the cost will so great that we will be swamped in debt. Even more than current. The estimates that were given by the GAO were a joke. Then you have to take into account that the medical industry has been fundamentally changed. I Jim jumps in, let me reassure you that is a bad thing as American medical services were the best in the world. That will not be the case in a few years. In fact, I am beginning to see changes even at this point.

Posted by: David at August 19, 2010 02:01 PM

The only Democrats who can claim to have exercised leadership in the debacle known as Obamacare are those that voted against it.

And how many of those were there?

Obviously, not enough.

Posted by: Gray Wolf at August 19, 2010 07:19 PM