
May 23, 2006

Guns & Poseurs: Use Your Delusion, Too

Yesterday, our favorite internet deity Allah dug up a story about a supposed Army Ranger by the name of Jesse MacBeth who claims in a series of videos that he witnessed and even participated in officially-sanctioned atrocities while serving in the U.S. Army in Iraq, such as:

  • He and other U.S. Army Rangers were ordered " whatever it strike fear in the hearts of the Iraqis..." (1:07);
  • He and other Rangers routinely executed children as part of the interrogations of their parents (6:15);
  • He personally killed almost 200 men, women, and children, many at close range, and most or all noncombatants (7:30);
  • He and other Rangers infiltrated a mosque, waited for about 200 worshipers to arrive and pray, slaughtered them with guns, ignited the bodies, hung them from the rafters, wrote anti-muslim graffiti on the walls, and left bodies in the streets (9:30);
  • He and other Rangers shot and killed unarmed protesters and children who threw rocks (12:20);
  • He personally killed a mother pleading for mercy, and her three children, including an infant, because he "had to."(16:05)

This willingness to call American soldiers murderers made him immediately popular on the fringe left, where he spoke at antiwar rallies and found himself the darling of the leftwing alternative media.

The problem was, Jesse MacBeth was never a Ranger.

Jesse MacBeth was never in any branch of the military, and his lies are almost too numerous to mention... except for those for which he garnered convictions, perhaps. MacBeth is currently wanted on bench warrant issued today for "violation of a court order" and "assault in the fourth degree" in Washington State and probation violations in Arizona.

I guess sooner or later, this fraud will get to wear a uniform after all.

Posted by Confederate Yankee at May 23, 2006 05:56 PM | TrackBack

I was in Washington DC in April of 1971, and met some of John Kerry's group of "Vietnam Veterans Against the War"; shared a few drinks with these folks, and realized that for all the surplus fatigues and web belts they wore, they couldn't remember an APO address that they never had. The more things change the more they stay the same.

Posted by: TomTB at May 24, 2006 05:14 AM